
Earth Day

I love a good theme.

I love crafting and creating, but coming up with ideas for things isn’t always the easiest. It takes time and energy and so when someone can give me a theme, I love it. I’ve been known to go a bit overboard, and this is maybe one of those times.

My sister said she was coming for a visit for Earth Day, and we could do some related activities with the kids. After picking on her for being very Vermont, I decided to go all in.

A Week in Maine

I'm pretty sure when anyone looks back on our Maine vacation this year, they're going to remember two things.  E saying "hi! hi! hi!" and everyone singing "Do your ears hang low" until it haunts your dreams. Tom has taken to hiding the elephant, and my dad would start screaming from across the house whenever the song started, but the truth is E's reaction is SO CUTE, I'll push play over and over again.

Same goes with his talking.  He's so excited to have figured out a word, and the fact that it causes reactions from people?  It makes his day!  Which means he'll walk around saying "hi" to anyone or anything.  Unfortunately the birds, a person 3 blocks away, and the trees haven't figured out how to answer him.

Of Course He Did

It's been a long, fun week. We're all exhausted in that, I can't play for a second longer, summer fun type of way. We've had my sister and niece here for a few days, and it was amazing. They mesh so well with our family they could probably move in and no one would skip a beat. We stay up late talking, and watching TV, and E is never happier than when he has them to play with - especially his cousin, whom he loves to stare at. Obsessed. One day we'll teach him not to awkwardly stare, but for now he just cranes his neck to follow her all through the house.

Winter Wonderland Wedding

This past weekend we went to a different kind of winter wonderland.  Instead of celebrating first birthdays, we were celebrating a wedding!  

It's been a while since I've been at a wedding where I wasn't in the bridal party (or the bride!) but this one was so much fun (and less stressful!).  It was weird, because for the first time we had to worry about who was watching the tiny human we'd brought along with us, but luckily some planning ahead of time minimized that problem as well.  

A Fancy Weekend

We recently had the opportunity to get all dressed up for a family wedding shower!  Apparently the theme of the day was PURPLE! 

We were a bit unsure how the day would go, since we were driving over an hour away, and the shower started only two hours before E's usual bedtime.  So we decided flexibility was the name of the game.  We brought PJs with us in case he wanted to sleep.  If we needed to leave early, we would.

Easter Weekend

Linzy was here for a visit recently, probably the last guest we'll have before the baby gets here!  We didn't really do too much, despite it being Easter weekend, mostly because I get about 10 minutes of energy at a time, and then all I want to do is sit down haha.  Sunday Tom and I went to a sunrise service while Linzy and Maia slept in, and then we spent the afternoon outside enjoying the weather.

Getting SO Close! (Part I)

We're getting so close I can SEE it! (ha, Synesthesia joke there...)

I'm so overwhelmed, and for once it isn't because of things that need to be done.  Oh there's always more that can be done, but due to my insane necessity for planning I'm doing okay in that area now.  (Here's where I should just apologize to Tom, my entire family, all the bridesmaids, and probably the groomsmen - but seriously, thank you for putting up with my need to plan the bachelor(ette) a YEAR in advance...)