
A Big Trip

We’ve all heard the funny sayings about how vacations with kids aren’t vacations, they’re ‘trips’ or just parenting in a new location. I think it’s a great perspective to have, since it helps to set expectations. Tom and I have traveled to beaches where we sat in the sun all day and read book after book. That was relaxing. We’ve also toured cities where we walked tens of thousands of steps a day and saw every every sight we wanted to. We’ve been there, done that. And we know that this season of life isn’t either of those. (And we’re okay with it).

Our recent trips have been very kid focused and friendly. Visits to or with family, where we have extra adults and very easy schedules. We incorporate naps and play time and nothing too hard. Even when we go places around home, we do easy trips. We go to the library after nap time when everyone is happy, and we don’t stay too long. We’re not the parents who attempt big things. We keep it easy and safe for the most part.

A Weekend Away

Well that feels weird to write. After a year+ of mostly staying home, we went on an actual vacation recently. Considering G has been to Maine once when he was not even crawling, and Vermont over a year ago, it was a big accomplishment. Both kids were equal parts excited and confused.

But we had a four day weekend and so we figured that going somewhere for a few days and dealing with whatever crazy that would bring would be better than being trapped at home and dealing with the crazy we knew would come. So we packed up and drove into the city. It seemed like such a funny vacation to take normally, but we all know these aren’t normal times.

A Big Adventure

It all started with an Instagram ad.

Huh - that’s interesting, I remember thinking. I texted it to Tom as an almost joke – wouldn’t we be crazy if we did this? He immediately was on board and started talking about logistics and I got scared and backed way off. I wasn’t serious! We couldn’t do that! Let me think about it.

And I thought about it the entire way home. And after I put the boys to bed. And it seemed… possible?

So I went back to Tom and told him I think we should attempt it. Because why not. If we failed miserably, at least we’d have something to put in the baby book.

Slowing Down

It's so easy to get caught up in routines and responsibilities.  Head down, moving along until the next appointment or time you need to be doing something.  I forget, sometimes, to stop and look around.  To breathe and enjoy the fact that it's no longer winter.  To sit and be happy with nothing to do.  To get outside at lunch, instead of sitting at my desk because it's what I did yesterday. 


Way back when, Tom and I had plans to go away somewhere warm and tropical this winter.  And then zika happened, and I was pregnant, so that plan was nixed.  We started researching alternative warm places that were a bit safer.  Plans were made, destinations decided on... and then I got tired and never booked anything.  It just seemed like so much work to fly so far and do so many things, especially when the things I'd really want to do, I wouldn't be allowed to because of bubbles.  So eventually plan D was implemented, and we combined a weekend away with a staycation.

Adding a Little Beauty to This World

Let's focus on something good in the world right now, like art - sound good?

One of my favorite things about working where I do, is the Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy Greenway.  It's a long, winding park that replaced I-93 once the big dig was completed.  It runs from the North End to Chinatown, and there's always something new to see or do.  Farmers markets, food trucks, water fountains, art installations... it really is a fun part of the city. 

Reception Recap

The reception! Here it is!  After spending more than a year planning it, picking out centerpieces, designing guest books, creating favors, mapping out seating charts, it was finally time.  It felt almost surreal to realize that we were about to walk in and see all of our hard work displayed out.  Would it look put together? Would something be missing?  Would it be what we were hoping for?  It was time to find out!

Getting SO Close! (Part I)

We're getting so close I can SEE it! (ha, Synesthesia joke there...)

I'm so overwhelmed, and for once it isn't because of things that need to be done.  Oh there's always more that can be done, but due to my insane necessity for planning I'm doing okay in that area now.  (Here's where I should just apologize to Tom, my entire family, all the bridesmaids, and probably the groomsmen - but seriously, thank you for putting up with my need to plan the bachelor(ette) a YEAR in advance...)

Oh Monday...

... you always come a bit too quickly after a long weekend of fun. 

But oh, what a weekend it was!  Despite not quite enough sleep, and a wish that I had been smart enough to take today off, I'm still riding a huge high from the fun of the past few days!