Reception Recap

The reception! Here it is!  After spending more than a year planning it, picking out centerpieces, designing guest books, creating favors, mapping out seating charts, it was finally time.  It felt almost surreal to realize that we were about to walk in and see all of our hard work displayed out.  Would it look put together? Would something be missing?  Would it be what we were hoping for?  It was time to find out!

We walked from Copley Square, where we took some quick family pictures, up Boylston Street towards the mall.  People were rolling down windows and shouting congratulations at us, I was laughing at all the pebbles and random things my dress was collecting from the sidewalk, Tom was carrying my bouquet (who knew those things were so heavy!?) - it was an amazing and wonderful moment. 

Walking through the mall was fun too, even though it was partly under construction.  I know I keep repeating myself, but I can't explain how odd it was to walk by the Microsoft store and see someone looking at computers and then watch them look up and see a bride and groom walk by them.  We were so out of place, so noticeable, and having our best day ever... on every other person's normal Saturday.  It was such an unique feeling that I want to hold on to for as long as I can. 

We hung out in the mall for a few minutes, catching our breath and gathering with a few members of our wedding party.  There were a few times throughout the day when we were able to have quiet moments, removed from the larger group, and this was one of them.  They were great times to step back and take it all in.  For Tom and me to just look at each other and make silly faces and say "HOLY COW WE'RE MARRIED!" 

Once we went upstairs, we took a few minutes to just walk through the space, say some quick hellos and just look at everything.  It all came together so perfectly, and everything was set up just how I would have done it.  Well except for the corn hole. The lady we were coordinating with who works for the Skywalk had never played before, which was maybe obvious to anyone who saw the boards set up at a right angle from each other!  However, I think some of my co-workers took care of that, and quickly got down to playing. 

As I was wandering through the reception, I was torn between wanting to talk to everyone about the ceremony and the day that had already happened, or getting everyone's opinions on all the decorations, to just catching up with people that I hadn't seen in a while.  I felt like I was just spinning around and couldn't figure out what direction I wanted to go in or who I wanted to talk to first.  So if I seemed a little out of it - I'm sorry! 

One of the first things I did settle on, was the photo booth!  And boy am I glad we added that on at the last minute.  Less of an actual photo booth, and more of a chance for our guests to play dress up in front of a camera, these might be some of my favorite pictures of the wedding!  If you haven't already, make sure you check out a few of our favorites here

Another thing that I loved from the reception, but probably didn't spend nearly enough time enjoying, was the view!  I think I noticed when I walked in that the Red Sox were playing, and I know I pointed out the Cambridge apartment to someone at one point, but I could have spent hours looking out the windows - especially once the sun started to set!  Also this is probably a good time to apologize to Michael - sorry, we didn't realize you didn't like heights!  If we had, we definitely wouldn't have sat you so close to the windows!!  Hopefully everyone else was able to enjoy being so high up. 

A few other surreal memories from the night:

  • Playing corn hole in a wedding dress was not something I ever thought I'd be doing in my life!  However, it was a ton of fun, and totally worth the effort of putting it together.  For those of you who don't know, my dad made the boards (to official specifications!) and then I painted them and stenciled our name on them. 
  • Photo booth fun!  Brooke and I had so much fun shopping for the props, and it was awesome to see everyone's creativity with them.  It was also a special moment to be able to take a picture with my work friends, since this is a tradition we have that goes back ten years.  Hopefully unlike our Christmas photo booth curse, one of us won't be leaving the company within the next year!
  • LEGOS!  We went back and forth a lot on whether we should fill the vases with candy or legos, and I think we made the right decision.  I think almost every table I walked by was building something, and I know a few people laid early claims to be able to take them home. 
  • Smooshing cake in each others face is another experience that will stick in my memory forever.  It's not every day you really get to play with your food like that!  Sometimes it's just fun to take a break from being an adult for a minute and let loose. 
  • And finally, having my dad recount my first driving experience for everyone I know.  I'm so glad that everyone now knows that the first time I ever drove a car, it was onto a tree!  I still maintain that that was 50% Raina's fault though!  However, I did love all of the speeches.  Nicole's was heartfelt and meaningful, Matt's was entertaining and funny, and my dad's was memorable and sweet. 

The whole night was just so much fun.  It was an amazing celebration filled with all of our favorite people.  The only thing I would have changed, would be the flavors of ice cream in the sundae bar.  I definitely did not pick those!  For some reason it never occurred to me to ask what my options were - I think I assumed chocolate and vanilla would be pretty standard?  Lesson learned!


If you have any memories from the reception, things I may have missed or not been a part of, or a favorite part, please comment below!  I'd love to hear them!!