Bonus Time with Family

You know what's really awesome about living in a major city?  It's occasionally the destination for things like end-of-year school field trips.  And when things work out just right, some planned free time on a trip might coincide with when you're getting out of work, which is exactly what happened last Friday when my niece's class was visiting Boston.  Even better was the fact that my sister was chaperoning the trip, so Tom and I were able to see both of them for a few hours!

Nothing boosts my mood for the week more than a random visit from some of my favorite people. 

They'd had a long day of walking the freedom trail (ugh!) and were ready for a break in Faneuil Hall when we met up.  We went to dinner at Wagamama, shopped at a few stores, got some much needed ice cream, and caught up a bit.  It was the perfect way to end the week, and I only wish they had been able to stay for longer!