Baby's 1st Fever

Well it was going to happen eventually!  Especially with daycare and the start of cold and flu season, we knew it was coming.  And we were prepared... or so we thought.

We actually were prepared to treat it, but were a little slow on noticing that it was here.  Sure I told Tom that E seemed to be a little off that morning, a little more upset than usual, but we still packed him off and headed out for our normal Sunday. 

Just Me and the Baby

Recently E and I did something we hadn't done before - we packed up the car and drove off for the weekend, without Tom! 

We had a baby shower to go to, and Tom had some work stuff, and so we ended up parting ways.  (Plus when given the choice between weekend alone or a baby shower, he maybe leaned towards being able to sleep in...)

Holiday Expectations

As soon as I found out I was pregnant, I became obsessed with future holidays.  They'd be so much more fun to experience with children!  When Easter rolled around, I was so jealous of friends who had babies already.  I felt like I was missing out!  

And so I set my sights on Halloween. We'd have a baby and it would be amazing.  I couldn't wait to make it fun.  

Moms Night Out

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away....

...we were young, single, and living in the city.  We'd go to the movies at least twice a week.  We'd see concerts on week nights, we'd go to comedy shows and musicals and anything we could get tickets to.  

We'd wander the streets looking for new restaurants, places to shop, things to do.  No T ride was too long, no hour was too late, it was all doable.  And FUN!

Four Months

As of 9/29/2017 (One day late to get measurements from our doctor's visit!)

Nick Names: Bubba, Buddy
Height: 25 inches (45th percentile)
Weight: 15 pounds, 2 oz (45th percentile)
Head: 16.25 inches (40th percentile)
Special Outings: First trip to Vermont!, Daycare started, Final movie of maternity leave (Baby Driver), And a few parties (Baptism and a wedding shower)
Visitors: George
Loves: Daycare, Looking out windows, Watching people
Hates: Being tired, Not being able to roll

A Fancy Weekend

We recently had the opportunity to get all dressed up for a family wedding shower!  Apparently the theme of the day was PURPLE! 

We were a bit unsure how the day would go, since we were driving over an hour away, and the shower started only two hours before E's usual bedtime.  So we decided flexibility was the name of the game.  We brought PJs with us in case he wanted to sleep.  If we needed to leave early, we would.

First Week Done

We made it through the week!

And it wasn't that bad.  Going back to work was easier than I thought it would be.  It was like I'd been gone forever and never left at the same time. It was awesome to see all my friends again and catch up with them, and even awesome to get some work done.  It was good to put my brain to use! 

Today's the Day

I feel like I've been sleepwalking lately.  I'm kind of wandering around, room to room, pacing back and forth, not sure what to do. It's a weird feeling.  It's knowing my entire life is going to change, but not exactly how.  It's almost like being pregnant, but not quite.  Maybe if we'd had a scheduled c-section it would be the same feeling - a countdown to a life changing day. 

I know I need to be prepared; I know it's going to be hard.  I just don't know how to prepare.  How hard it's going to be.

My New Favorite Thing

Sorry Bubba.

But seriously.  It's an idea I've had for a while.  When the time was right and we were in the right place and feeling settled, it was time to make it official.  Permanent. 

And I feel like I'm finally there.  So I went ahead and bought myself the best present I've gotten in a while.  It's so amazing and I can't stop smiling when I look at it. 

Mini Me

It's true that Tom has less pictures of him with E than I do.  Partly because I've been paying attention to it and have been asking for people to take our picture, and partly because Tom sucks at selfies.  I'll spare him the embarrassment of sharing some of those...

E's first header

Books are dangerous. They can fill your head with all sorts of ideas and stories...or they can bruise your nose. In this case I'm talking about the latter.

E's too smart for his own good lately. He's getting bored of his usual toys and he's starting to figure out our routines. Part of that means that he knows his bedtime routine well enough that he knows bedtime stories are just the last thing keeping him from food before bed. So he cries while we read. 

Three Months

As of 8/28/2017

Nick Names: Bubba, Bubs
Height: 24 inches (As measured at home since no doctor's appointment)
Weight: 15 lbs (As measured at home)
Head: Large
Special Outings: Family vacation in Maine, craft group, movies (Wonder Woman, The Glass Castle, Landline), Fenway Park
Visitors: Linzy
Loves: Sucking on hands, being outside, sticking out tongue, playing airplane
Hates: Elevators/Ears Popping

Let's Go Red Sox

Because it's been a while since we've been outside of the house past 6pm.  Because we don't get many "just for fun" outings any more.   Because we need to learn how to do this.  Because when Northeastern has Red Sox/Yankee tickets, you can't say no.  Because even though your son is only two and a half months old, he's two and a half months old and going to his first Red Sox game!  Against the Yankees!  Because we just gave him bragging rights for life.

And so we went.