
Hope One Year In

E is starting to learn about superheroes, thanks to a few of his friends. It’s all second hand knowledge since he’s never read a book or watched anything with a superhero in it, so the translation is kind of funny. When asked to pick out what superhero he wanted to dress up like, he obviously said Cookie Monster hero, which is how he ended up with a Cookie Monster cape. He’s also been told about “bad guys” so anytime Tom or I say no to something he wants, we’re labeled a “bad guy.” Which at least makes sense, but not all of his uses do. Every morning when I go to work, I tell both kids to “Have a good day!” and E has started replying “Have a bad guy!”


I've been going through a hard time at work lately.  The powers that be have decided to change, well, pretty much everything about the way we work.  People have gotten new jobs, teams have been split up and regrouped in different configurations, and the physical space has been transformed.  Which means I've been working in a construction zone with people who aren't sure what their job description is anymore, or where they even sit.  It's a bit.. chaotic.  

My Favorite Part of My Mornings

One of the hardest parts of being a working mom for me, is that after I put E to bed at night, I don't see him again until I pick him up at daycare the next day.  When I leave to go to work he's still sleeping, and so I miss his mornings.  That's especially sad, because he's so happy in the mornings, and it's seriously the best time of day to spend with him.  It's nice because Tom gets that time, but selfishly I miss it.  Especially because my time with him during the week is the cranky, waiting until bedtime time.  Which is why my weekends are so sacred to me. I get mornings, I get happy baby, I get more time. 

First Week Done

We made it through the week!

And it wasn't that bad.  Going back to work was easier than I thought it would be.  It was like I'd been gone forever and never left at the same time. It was awesome to see all my friends again and catch up with them, and even awesome to get some work done.  It was good to put my brain to use! 

Today's the Day

I feel like I've been sleepwalking lately.  I'm kind of wandering around, room to room, pacing back and forth, not sure what to do. It's a weird feeling.  It's knowing my entire life is going to change, but not exactly how.  It's almost like being pregnant, but not quite.  Maybe if we'd had a scheduled c-section it would be the same feeling - a countdown to a life changing day. 

I know I need to be prepared; I know it's going to be hard.  I just don't know how to prepare.  How hard it's going to be.

Pretending to Be Linzy for a Day

Yesterday was our semi-annual company wide volunteer day.  In reality our company offers opportunities to do something almost weekly, but twice a year there's a big push to get the entire company out of the office and onto the streets of Boston.  

Our department has been trying harder recently to make sure we're a part of these days, and I think it's really awesome.  besides the fact that it gives us a chance to help our community, it also gets us out of the office, talking to each other, and bonding.  Totally worth it. 

Volunteer Day

There are a lot of things I love about my job.  I love the work that I do, I love the people I work with, and I love the feeling that my company cares about me and my happiness at work.

But one of the things that I love the most, is the commitment to volunteering that my company fosters.  There are opportunities all year long, for both individuals and teams, and most of them build around a bunch of schools we partner with.  Past opportunities I've taken advantage of have included collecting backpacks and school supplies for students, fulfilling Christmas wishes, being a pen pal to a student throughout the year, and working at the annual book fair.