Pregnancy Test

Round Two

After hoping, and praying, and second guessing, and worrying.. here we are again.  Slightly different than last time, but also so much the same.

Am I experiencing symptoms so much earlier this time?  Or am I just aware of what they are so I notice them earlier?  Or am I just imagining them because I know what's to come?  It's a weird mind game.  

How I Told Tom I was Pregnant

If you've been on pinterest (or anywhere on the internet pretty much) lately, you know that finding a unique and special way to tell your husband you're pregnant is very much a thing.  However, it always struck me as odd.  Wouldn't you find out together?  How could you keep a secret like that from your husband?  I pretty much knew I wouldn't be able to pull something like that off.  

Plus in my mind, it would go something like this:  One day we'd be talking and maybe I'd notice I missed a period, or I'd throw up randomly, or otherwise feel off.  And we'd both look at each other and go, "Oh my gosh! Could you/I be pregnant!?" and we'd run off, buy a test, and wait for the results together.  As a totally unrelated comment, I think I watch too much TV and movies haha.