Ceremony Recap

So although we told everyone the ceremony started at 4:30, we had told the church 4:45 since we figured there might be some latecomers looking for parking, or something might go wrong, so we added in a bit of a buffer.  However, when 4:30 hit, I was READY TO GET MARRIED!  My bridesmaids and I let everyone know we were ready, and headed outside to Boylston street, ready to go!  It was an odd feeling to be lined up, ready to walk down the aisle, and turning around and seeing a duck boat drive by behind you.  It was the most important moment to me, and just a regular Saturday to everyone else in Boston.

First Look Recap - Part II

The time before the ceremony was so special and fun, I realized in my last post that I had so much to share that it was taking me forever, so I had to split it up!  At the end of the last post, Tom was nervously waiting for me on Comm Ave, his back turned, his feet shifting back and forth.  The groomsmen were all taking bets on whether or not Tom would cry, and the girls were just turning from Exeter Street onto Comm Ave.  As we got closer, everyone was straining to make out Tom.  He was hidden behind a statue, so the groomsmen, waiting off to the side, were the first to catch my attention.

Ed Sheeran at Gillette Stadium!

Finally the event we've been counting down for all year has arrived!  No, not the wedding - ED SHEERAN! I became obsessed with him when his last album X was released, and bought a copy for the car.  I then proceeded to play it on repeat (sometimes just the same two tracks) over and over again on multiple long road trips until Tom was forced to become a fan as well.  Nicole also joined us (as she tends to appreciate most talented musicians and will almost never say no when I ask her to go to something), as did Jill (who became a fan after googling "who is Ed Sheeran" when we asked her if she'd like to come). 

Rehearsal Dinner Recap

Although maybe not everyone's favorite part of a wedding weekend, rehearsals are necessary events, especially for someone like me who needs to plan out everything.  Once I've gone through how things are supposed to work, and where everyone should be, then I can relax and I actually worry less if something does go wrong. 

Book Obsessions

So if you know anything about me, you probably know that I read a lot.  I come by it honestly - my parents are probably both reading books right now as I type this (if they're not asleep with a book in their lap) and most of my memories of family vacations in the summer were of everyone sitting in a different chair, reading books - my grandparents, my aunt, my uncle, me... My aunt even worked in a book store when I was growing up, and now works in a library! We are a book family, through and through!

Back to Boston...

Back to Boston...

... back to reality!

Well not quite. Tom and I actually have today and tomorrow off from work, so we'll be able to slowly re-acclimate to the real world.

You're also probably noticing that things look really funny around here.  Since we no longer have a wedding that we need to plan for, I'm reorganizing the website a bit.  Colors will probably be a bit off, things may change positions a bit, but just hold in there and I promise everything will settle down soon. 

Wedding Day!

Okay, so I'm not actually writing this on our wedding day, because that would be completely crazy, but I am scheduling this to post on the morning of the big day. 


A few reminders:

  • Parking in Copley can be tough on a normal day, but there's also an afternoon Red Sox game today and a lot of fans like to park in Copley and walk to the park.  If you're driving, make sure you leave some extra time to park.
  • If you need to contact someone, please don't call Tom or myself.  Try Matt or Nicole

Getting SO Close! (Part I)

We're getting so close I can SEE it! (ha, Synesthesia joke there...)

I'm so overwhelmed, and for once it isn't because of things that need to be done.  Oh there's always more that can be done, but due to my insane necessity for planning I'm doing okay in that area now.  (Here's where I should just apologize to Tom, my entire family, all the bridesmaids, and probably the groomsmen - but seriously, thank you for putting up with my need to plan the bachelor(ette) a YEAR in advance...)

Down to Single Digits!

9 Days. Wow.

It doesn't seem real, that after counting down for over a year, we're down to single digits.  I think I've been in denial for the past few weeks that our wedding was actually coming up so quickly!  As I was sitting in a staff meeting yesterday going over my notes on a presentation I was about to give, a few co-workers walked in with a cake and decorations.  I stared at them, confused and trying to figure out why Dave was waving a turquoise and coral table cloth around, when my friend Tamara turned to me and said "You know this is for you, right?"  I had no idea! 

August Showers Bring...

September weddings?

I originally assumed I wouldn't have a bridal shower, and when my maid of honor asked me about it months ago, I told her I didn't want one.  Sitting in a room with all the women wedding guests playing odd games while the men are off somewhere else didn't feel like me.  However, my best friend always knows exactly what to do.  She informed me that "of course you're having a shower!" and promptly declared she would host it herself. 

Behind the Scenes: Magazine Creation

I've gotten a few comments lately about the magazine you received after you sent in your RSVP.  I'm so glad you're all liking it so much!  The entire process started as an idea for a keepsake for us.  A way to capture a moment in time and be able to share it with our future children.  We then realized that it might be a fun way for all of our guests to get to know us as a couple, especially if they only knew one of us really well. 

Oh Monday...

... you always come a bit too quickly after a long weekend of fun. 

But oh, what a weekend it was!  Despite not quite enough sleep, and a wish that I had been smart enough to take today off, I'm still riding a huge high from the fun of the past few days!