So I might be doing this a little out of order, recapping the honeymoon before I recap the wedding, but seeing how I have the honeymoon pictures and videos now, I might as well share them!
Married 2 days and already dressing alike
We left for Aruba Monday morning. I would recommend anyone getting married to wait AT LEAST a day before heading off on the honeymoon. I understand the want to run off right after the wedding is done, but we were so glad to have a bit of a breather to finish packing, unload some of the wedding stuff, and tie up loose ends. I almost think we could have used an extra day just to catch up on sleep. Our first day in Aruba we were so exhausted we pretty much only slept and ordered room service!
Our flight down was great too. We had an amazing crew (who we actually had on the way back too, and they recognized us when we bordered our return fight) and an empty seat next to us, which when combined with our free movies and extra leg room made the 5 hour flight go by quickly! We also had our "Just Married" shirts on, which helped us meet a few other couples who were also on their honeymoon!
By Tuesday we were a bit more rested and headed out to explore the resort. It was gorgeous, of course, but it was also really cool. There were parrots, and macaws on the property, as well as black swans and some interesting looking goose/chicken birds.
The pool was actually two pools connected by a waterfall down a fight of stairs. There were lights under water that changed color at night. There was a volley ball court, a swim up bar, a water slide, and a shallow sunning area. Everything I could ask for in a pool! (There were also two hot tubs, but seeing how it never really dropped below 88 degrees, even at night, we didn't use them)
Dinner on the beach!
The beach was wonderful - light white sand, clear and warm water, huts to protect you from the sun, and since all the beaches are public in Aruba, we were able to walk all the way from one end of the island to another on the beach, and see what all the other resorts looked like.
The resort also had multiple restaurants - I can think of at least 3 sit down ones, plus the one where we ate on the beach. There were also lunch spots, a few bars (which I can't tell you much about), and some shops and even a Dunkin Donuts!
One of Tom's favorite parts of the resort was definitely the water slide. He even got me to go down it a couple of times too! Instead of explaining any further, I'll let you watch the video and see for yourself:
To be continued...