Six things Sunday

1.    Our maid of honor got married!

We just got back from a wonderful weekend in Vermont celebrating the marriage of Nicole and Stephen.  It was beautiful, tons of fun, and everything we could have hoped for.  To read more about the wedding, check out Tom's recap here.  We're currently awaiting Nicole and Stephen's return from their honeymoon in St. Lucia.  WE MISS YOU GUYS! 

What's in a Name??

Marriage is a funny thing.  You start a new family as a combination of two already established families.  You're creating something new, yet carrying with you all of the history that came before you.  In the middle of planning all of the food, seating charts and music options, there was this one big decision that kept bothering us.  After the big party was over, and our focus turns to the real reason for this wedding - our marriage - how would we define ourselves?

What Are You Curious About?

I've heard from a few of you that you're enjoying this blog as a peek into our wedding planning process, and its been a fun way to stay updated.  Usually I blog about whatever we've been up to, or if something was particularly fun, but I'm sure I've skipped over a few things (like all of the many packages from etsy that have been showing up at our door lately..)

The Real Reason Everyone Gets Married...


A few weeks ago we had our dinner tasting with the Top of the Hub, who will be catering our reception.  I'm pretty sure it was Tom's dream come true.  We tried 6 different appetizers, different salads, first courses, and three main dishes.  Everything was so delicious, I'm not sure how I'll pick which one I want to eat on the big day!  (Or I'll just have to steal bites from everyone else's plate - come on, you know you won't say no to the bride!)

Saturday Night Live

Every August, I always enter the SNL ticket lottery, and then make all of my friends enter it as well, and promise to take me if they win.  This past March, it paid off!  My best friend forwarded me an email she'd received from NBC informing her she'd won two tickets to the dress rehearsal of the March 28th show.  Not wanting to forget a second of it, I've written down everything I can remember. 


Even though we haven't posted any updates here in a while, rest assured that there are many things happening behind the scenes!  We'll definitely share more details when they're finalized.

One thing I can share, though, is that we've booked our honeymoon!  There were many places we looked at, but there was one place that kept coming up in recommendations, especially from Ryan, Becca, Brooke and Joanie (thanks guys!). 

Engagement Photos

I've had a few people ask me what the point of engagement pictures are.  They're certainly not necessary and a lot of people have gotten married without them.  Sure they're useful if you want to send out a save the date (we do) or you want to build a super fun website (obviously), but again they're not required.

Meet the Parents: Bride's side

Hidden away down a dirt road in Northern Vermont, you'll find what the locals refer to as "The Sunhouse."  Built by Caitlin's father, and located about a mile from the Canadian boarder, this is the home that Caitlin grew up in.  Decorated with suns, hot pepper lights and Caitlin's childhood artwork, you'll find plenty of birds in the yard but no red squirrels :)