4th of July

Fun on the 4th

Our town puts on a carnival every 4th of July called fun on the 4th, although this year oddly enough it happened the last week of June. Besides being confusing, it meant we missed it while we were on vacation. So we went looking for our own fun during our long weekend. E told me that they didn’t mind, though, because vacation was way better.

We hung out with friends on the actual 4th and went to a parade in search of candy. The candy was a little stingy this year, but enough to keep the kids happy. What did not keep the kids happy were all the guns they shoot off in the parade - some right in front of us. Are those really necessary? I could definitely do without them.

Celebrating the 4th of July

The 4th of July has never been my holiday, even before our country started attacking my rights so bad that I’m embarrassed to be a citizen, but it means that I don’t have a lot of experience celebrating it. Sure when I was in Boston I went to the fireworks a few time, mostly because it was easy - all you had to do was be outside at a certain time. But I’ve never done the parades and parties and whatever else you do on the 4th.

The first mistake I made was not realizing I should have picked out red, white and blue clothing for everyone. Because apparently that’s thing number one you do when celebrating this holiday. We definitely own a lot of things that could have passed, and I specifically know that G has patriotic PJs. Which would have helped since G pretty much only wears PJs when he can, and also means I should have thought about what PJs he got into the night of the 3rd. But I didn’t, which means he ended up wearing Halloween PJs all day on the 4th haha. It totally doesn’t matter and actually made me laugh all day.

4th of July Weekend

I had no desire to celebrate this embarrassment of a country, but we had a three day weekend and needed to do something with three littles. So we shut off the news, and had some quality family time in our little bubble. We went to a playground and had our first run in with an ice cream truck. It worked out since we were leaving to go get ice cream anyway, so we let the kids decide. Did they want to go get ice cream, or eat from the truck? The truck overwhelmingly won, and E picked out an orange creamsicle and G got a strawberry shortcake popsicle. They were incredibly happy, eating in the trunk of the minivan.

Six things Sunday

1.    Our maid of honor got married!

We just got back from a wonderful weekend in Vermont celebrating the marriage of Nicole and Stephen.  It was beautiful, tons of fun, and everything we could have hoped for.  To read more about the wedding, check out Tom's recap here.  We're currently awaiting Nicole and Stephen's return from their honeymoon in St. Lucia.  WE MISS YOU GUYS!