
Happy Bunnies

I don’t even know how to describe life right now. Some moments are calm and I’m so content my eyes well up with happy tears looking at my big beautiful family. Some are so chaotic that I can’t catch my breath and I’m constantly running and I don’t know if my kids are fine or if I’m failing them. And some days I feel like everything I’m doing is wrong and I’m definitely failing them. So I guess if I give you an answer one day and you don’t like the answer, just ask again a few minutes later?

I'm Gonna Hug You and Kiss You and Love You FOREVER

Well… we did it again.

I actually said we wouldn’t this year, and I was okay with that. But then we walked by the place in the mall one day, and E saw the signs advertising the bunnies, and he ran up and hugged them, and told me he wanted to see them.

So we ended up with an appointment. As always, I had my predictions of what would happen, and was completely wrong. One day maybe I’ll get better at predicting how my children will react to situations. Or they’ll keep surprising me - I’m okay with being kept on my toes.


We’re still figuring out what Easter will look like for our family, but this year is making me very excited for the future. E is old enough that he understands egg hunts now, and they’re my new favorite things. We don’t hide the eggs very hard, but he loves running around finding them, and now that he knows that they’re filled with treats, he’s extra excited.

The Magic of Ikea

Remember when I shared some pictures of our dining room chairs?  And at the end of the post, if you had been paying attention, you would have realized I had no idea what to do with the wall behind the table.  At the time I was hanging cards on it, utilizing three screws that were already in the wall when we moved in.  It kind of worked, for then anyway, but it definitely wasn't meant as a permanent solution.  

One More Thing to Cross off the List

Slowly but surely, it's happening.  We're moving in a bit more, decorating and making things feel like home.  For a while now, I've had a stack of picture frames littering the office floor. Waiting to be put somewhere or hung up. 

Finally I found myself with a free day, and decided to start hanging them on the wall by our stairs.  Originally I had a plan to map out where everything was going to go, but I realized that was causing me to delay starting the project since I wasn't sure how to do it.  In the end I just grabbed the drill and started hanging things. 

Merry Christmas!

Technically Christmas Eve, but close enough!  I hope wherever you are, you're taking some time to enjoy the holiday, pretty lights, and a warm drink.  I'll be heading up the road to Jake and Jill's for their annual Christmas Eve party and then heading home to go to bed early for Santa!

Engagement Photos

I've had a few people ask me what the point of engagement pictures are.  They're certainly not necessary and a lot of people have gotten married without them.  Sure they're useful if you want to send out a save the date (we do) or you want to build a super fun website (obviously), but again they're not required.