Posts by Caitlin

Christmas Tree Obtaining

It's not quite like Vermont.  Almost, but not quite.  Some of the basics are the same - there are trees and saws and hiking through the woods.  But there's a certain artificial piece to it.  Fighting the crowds of other families, hoping they won't fall in love with the same one you do.  And everything is so manicured.  They don't naturally come in that shape.  It's a bit odd.

Brief Thanksgiving Celebration, then more Christmas!

Thanksgiving was never one of those holidays that I got too excited for.  Maybe because I don't love food as much as some other people, so to me, it's just another meal? Or maybe because it feels like the one final thing standing between me and when I can officially start celebrating Christmas?

Birthday Celebrations

This weekend was full of birthday celebrations for one of our favorite people!  It started off with dinner on Friday at The Top of the Hub.  For anyone who was at our wedding, The Top of the Hub is the restaurant one floor above where our reception was held, which they also catered.  It's a fancy and fun restaurant to visit, especially for special occasions.

Halloween Recap!

Halloween Recap!

So as promised, pictures and a recap from Halloween!

Any guesses what I decided to dress up as?  Maybe I should have mentioned that it would be a couple's costume :)  The answer?

Reception Recap

The reception! Here it is!  After spending more than a year planning it, picking out centerpieces, designing guest books, creating favors, mapping out seating charts, it was finally time.  It felt almost surreal to realize that we were about to walk in and see all of our hard work displayed out.  Would it look put together? Would something be missing?  Would it be what we were hoping for?  It was time to find out!

What in the world is Synesthesia??

A while back, I was trying to explain something to Tom related to the months of the year.  He clearly wasn't understanding what I was trying to describe, even though it seemed so clear to me.  After a few more experiences like this, he jokingly said to me one day: "I think you have synesthesia."

Never having heard the word before, I think I brushed him off ("No, YOU have synesthesia!) and continued my attempt to explain to him what I was seeing that he couldn't visualize.

Ceremony Recap

So although we told everyone the ceremony started at 4:30, we had told the church 4:45 since we figured there might be some latecomers looking for parking, or something might go wrong, so we added in a bit of a buffer.  However, when 4:30 hit, I was READY TO GET MARRIED!  My bridesmaids and I let everyone know we were ready, and headed outside to Boylston street, ready to go!  It was an odd feeling to be lined up, ready to walk down the aisle, and turning around and seeing a duck boat drive by behind you.  It was the most important moment to me, and just a regular Saturday to everyone else in Boston.

First Look Recap - Part II

The time before the ceremony was so special and fun, I realized in my last post that I had so much to share that it was taking me forever, so I had to split it up!  At the end of the last post, Tom was nervously waiting for me on Comm Ave, his back turned, his feet shifting back and forth.  The groomsmen were all taking bets on whether or not Tom would cry, and the girls were just turning from Exeter Street onto Comm Ave.  As we got closer, everyone was straining to make out Tom.  He was hidden behind a statue, so the groomsmen, waiting off to the side, were the first to catch my attention.