
Screw You January

So maybe you've noticed something.  A Tuesday here or there, a Thursday post that comes on a Friday, and then all of a sudden an entire week goes by... and no blog posts!  I wish I could say it was because we were off doing fabulous things and just didn't have the time to pause and recap here, because we were having so much fun!

What in the world is Synesthesia??

A while back, I was trying to explain something to Tom related to the months of the year.  He clearly wasn't understanding what I was trying to describe, even though it seemed so clear to me.  After a few more experiences like this, he jokingly said to me one day: "I think you have synesthesia."

Never having heard the word before, I think I brushed him off ("No, YOU have synesthesia!) and continued my attempt to explain to him what I was seeing that he couldn't visualize.