Beautiful view, bright (and blinding) sunrise!
Rhode Island, not Vermont :)
This past weekend Nicole and I spent some time relaxing, exercising, and extended birthday celebrating! We stayed on Goat Island and had a great view of the water and the city.
We spent Saturday walking around the city, walking by a lighthouse near our hotel, and enjoying the peacefulness of where we were. It was extremely windy on Saturday (that's my excuse for our crazy faces and hair in all of our pictures), but we still had a lot of fun. As an added bonus, our hotel was hosting a Marine Corp Ball while we were there, so we got to see a lot of people dressed up and excited which was pretty cool.
Sunday the weather was much better, and we took full advantage of it by going on Newport's famous cliff walk! I've been before, but I forgot how breathtaking the views can be, and how large some people's homes are! Holy cow!
I'm really just thankful for a fun weekend where I got to spend some much needed quality time with my best friend, and we both got to relax and escape all of the business and obligations of every day life (and escape the endless depressing news coverage).
And now it's back to reality, packing, and adulting!