Despite declaring that I was done with winter, especially after a week in sunny Florida, winter has decided it's not done with us. In the form of some pretty big, back-to-back storms. First there was a wind and rain storm that knocked out a lot of power and flooded many areas (although we were mostly fine). Then there was a mini snow storm, but the snow melted by the time I got home from work. That wasn't that bad either.
Separation Anxiety
E's been having a rough time lately. I think he's finally entered the separation anxiety phase. (Thanks Wonder Weeks for telling me it was going to happen back in December and making me think we'd skipped it entirely..)
It's weird for all of us, because it's not his personality. He loves strangers! He's independent! But he also needs to be touching us at all times now. But still running across the room.
My Favorite Part of Vacation
There's something I love about family vacations. Especially low key ones with not a lot of plans. I'm talking the rent a house and go to the beach type vacations, as opposed to exploring a new city, every day has an itinerary type of vacations.
Something happens when you have that kind of time to spend together. To eat meals together, to get to know each other's quirks, to just be together. You get the moments that end up being my favorite memories from vacation. Not the baseball game or the children's museum or the beach - as fun as those might be.
February in March
Littlest Sox Fan
While it wasn't his first Sox game, it was his first visit to Fenway South for spring training. You know we couldn't let a trip to Florida pass by without a Red Sox game!
The whole week was full of new experiences, big crowds, and schedule changes for E. It was a lot to take in, and sensory overload for sure. We did our best to make sure he still had some sort of a schedule, and got enough sleep, but he was still overwhelmed at points.
The Flights
Allow me to completely skip over our vacation for a minute, an answer the question that everyone really wants to know: How did we survive flying with a baby?
Not easily.
While it worked out pretty well, and I haven't ruled out flying in the future, it was something I spent a lot of time thinking about and planning for. I always find I handle situations better if I've run though every possibility ahead of time, so that when something does happen, I don't have to think. I just react. And I've got everything I could need at hand, so I can do it quickly.
We Survived!
I alluded to it in E's nine month update, but we recently went on a BIG TRIP!
Now this wasn't what I would have considered a big trip, pre-baby. In fact it was a trip I've made many times with various people. My parents go to Florida every year for spring training, and so I've visited them there multiple times. With cousins, with best friends, with Tom... Easy, quick trips.
Foto Friday
Nine Months
Nick Names: The Bubba, Sweetness
Height: 27.75 inches (21st percentile)
Weight: 19 pounds, 4 ounces (40th percentile)
Head: 17.25 inches (15th percentile)
Special Outings: THE BIGGEST OF BIG OUTINGS! 30,000 feet in the air!! To a completely different part of the country!!!
Visitors: Becca, Oppedisanos
Loves: The Kitty, warmer weather, making friends
Hates: Getting face/nose cleaned, being tired or hungry
The Small Moments
Inside My Mind
Although most days I'm back to feeling like myself - calm, level headed, in control, uncaring about obnoxious people - there are still occasional days where I can't turn it off. The anxiety that has popped up sporadically since giving birth makes a reappearance and there seems to be nothing to do but wait it out.
A Weekend in the Life
Warning: This post is obnoxiously long, filled with pictures (seriously it may not even load on your phone - I actually didn't post half of what I took because it was taking so long), and maybe not be that interesting to many people, but I like to post snap shots of our life from time to time and see how they've changed. Here's a peek into our life right now (on the weekends at least)
Not Worse, Just Different
I've been in such a countdown and list mode lately. Countdown to visits or vacations or SPRING. Lists of things to pack or finish or put away. Constantly running through my head. And because of that I feel like I haven't let myself sit back and enjoy lately.
On the rare mornings when I get to wake E up, I'm thinking about getting him dressed and getting him a bottle more than just sitting and playing with him. At night I'm running schedules through my mind and making sure he's napping or eating or ready for bed instead of enjoying the minutes I have with him.
New Trick
The Bubba
The Bubba is a funny creature. Once a baby that easily startled, he's now pretty easy going. Ice machines that used to make him cry, now make him laugh.
The Bubba can crawl now, but he'd like you to believe he can't. Until you leave your phone somewhere and then ZOOM! he's off to stick it in his mouth.
Teething, or Not
It's a weird thing, teething.
It can happen at any time, with little to no warning. And it's impossible to predict. You can guess, you can assume, but you won't really know until a tooth shows up. Oh but there are symptoms, you say. Sure - drooling, irritability, trouble sleeping, putting things in mouth, pulling at their ears... all symptoms.
January Happenings
Even though I'm quite happy that we are DONE with January, I'll look back for just a moment. It was a quiet month, with a lot of time at home, and a lot of time squeezing the Bubba. You can see for yourself, since we've posted the January summary video - found below and on our video page here.
Missing Pieces
When you're younger and you think about your future, there might be a hypothetical family. With some fuzzy, undetermined number and gender of kids running around. It's all purely theoretical, so I never worried too much about it besides to know that I'd like to head in that direction.
I’ve officially moved from the “I’d like to have a family and kids someday” to being in the middle of making it happen. But I’m not on the other side yet, where I’ll know what that family looks like. It’s a weird place to be. A short period of your life when things change very rapidly. I’ve gone from being single, to married and living with someone, to having a kid, in a relatively short period of time. But even with all that, there’s more change to come. Our family is unfinished, and there’s no way to look ahead and know when it will be finalized.