
I'll Never

There's a reason parents will give a knowing smile when people without kids, or parents-to-be, say they'll "never" do something. 

And maybe you won't.  You'll have rules and routines and will stick to your convictions.  And then one day you'll find yourself in a new place, on vacation, and routines will go out the window.  It will be late and everyone is tired and crying.  You'll be at the end of your rope and you'll think...well maybe...

First Sleepover!

Despite declaring that I was done with winter, especially after a week in sunny Florida, winter has decided it's not done with us.  In the form of some pretty big, back-to-back storms.  First there was a wind and rain storm that knocked out a lot of power and flooded many areas (although we were mostly fine).  Then there was a mini snow storm, but the snow melted by the time I got home from work. That wasn't that bad either.