Parenting Decisions

The Daycare Debate

We’ve definitely encountered our fair share of parenting problems that we didn’t expect, and didn’t have answers for. Currently we’re ignoring two splinters in E’s palm, mostly because we don’t know what to do about them. They aren’t really bothering him, and despite trying, we can’t get them out. He definitely doesn’t want us to try again. We’ve tried a few ideas we’ve found online, but none of them worked. So right now we’re ignoring it. Hoping they’ll either come out on our own, or become an obvious enough problem we’ll need to get professional help.

Musings of a Working Mama

The other day I found myself wanting to get pregnant again. It wasn’t so much that I wanted a third kid, but I eventually realized that what I really wanted, was the parental leave. Having Tom get home late from work so many nights in a row makes me long for the days when he was here all day. Maternity leave would mean endless hours to do nothing but spend time with my family. The kids wouldn’t feel neglected (this was a dream remember?), and we’d also be able to get things done around the house.

I'll Never

There's a reason parents will give a knowing smile when people without kids, or parents-to-be, say they'll "never" do something. 

And maybe you won't.  You'll have rules and routines and will stick to your convictions.  And then one day you'll find yourself in a new place, on vacation, and routines will go out the window.  It will be late and everyone is tired and crying.  You'll be at the end of your rope and you'll think...well maybe...

No Winning

The mom guilt is real, y'all.

What do you do when there's only two options, and both of them have negative consequences? There is no winning no matter what you choose.  Do you make a choice and move on? Or do you cry yourself to sleep trying to figure out what the magical third option that doesn't exist is, and wonder why you didn't do that instead?