
Again With the Snow

Snow, snow, so much snow.

The most in the state, to be exact. I’m not sure how that happened. We were right on the edge of predictions of “a lot” and “not a lot” of snow, and we ended up with 5” more than the upper limit of predictions. Towns next to us got half as much as we did. Apparently we live in a snow pocket. A wonderful place to be when you have a broken snow blower, and a driveway that a plow truck can’t clear.

A Final Note on Halloween

Look, we all know 2020 has all but turned into an expletive. There have been a lot of cancelled plans, a lot of things we’ve missed out on, and a lot of fear. But Halloween seemed like something we could do, albeit with a few modifications. So we made plans for an outdoor scavenger hunt, and as much fun as we could.

And then we had a record breaking October snow storm.

Brr It's Cold Outside

I'm what they call an inside person. Especially in the winter. Give me a book, a fire, and some coffee, and I'll see you in April. Let’s be honest, even in the summer you’re more likely to see me inside doing craft, baking cookies and organizing closets than see me outside at the beach. It’s not to say I don’t go outside, it’s just not always my first choice.

So when it comes to the kids, I'll build a tower with blocks, teach them to make pancakes, or make elaborate art projects. That’s where my strengths lie. But when they want to go play in the snow, I usually let Tom take the lead. He’s one of those people who actually like the cold, so why not?

Snow Day

We haven’t had much snow this winter, something that I’d normally be okay with. But the combination of me not having to commute anywhere, and us having a toddler with a new sled to try out had me actually wishing for snow. So of course we got to February with only 5” on record, all of which came with a rain storm which meant it was mushy and gross, and melted the next day.

Snow, Ice, and Cold

It’s officially winter here. This past weekend we pretty much hibernated at home while we got some snow, then some ice, and then some rain, and then everything froze and it’s currently below zero here. Ugh. Once upon a time, I did say that I wanted a winter baby. And for a lot of reasons, I’m happy that worked out. It’s actually dark out when I go to bed, which makes a 6pm bedtime way easier. On the flip side, it’s also dark in the mornings and pretty hard to stay awake and get moving. I no longer feel guilty about not leaving the house on days I just want to cuddle on the couch all day, but on the days I do want to go somewhere, I’m left trying to bundle up a tiny baby who hates being cold, and I’m also freezing as I try to deal with car seats and loading junk into the car.

Active Denial

I don't want to talk about it.  Nope.  I'm so over it, so done with it, I just want it to go away.  So I won't talk about how since my last post, we got another storm which dumped 30+ inches of snow.  I also won't talk about how today we're supposed to get ANOTHER storm today.  I'm ready to jump back on a plane with a baby and run to Florida because I would rather deal with flying than shoveling at this point.  I'M DONE!

So instead, I'm going to focus on a few small moments that have happened lately.

First Sleepover!

Despite declaring that I was done with winter, especially after a week in sunny Florida, winter has decided it's not done with us.  In the form of some pretty big, back-to-back storms.  First there was a wind and rain storm that knocked out a lot of power and flooded many areas (although we were mostly fine).  Then there was a mini snow storm, but the snow melted by the time I got home from work. That wasn't that bad either. 

What Do You Do When it Snows?

So we have some snow.  A lot of snow. 

A few days ago we had no snow on the ground and now we have almost two feet.  For a while, the snow had been light and fluffy, which was helpful for shoveling, but not great for playing.  Finally, one night Tom came running into the house.  I'd been napping, and he'd been out shoveling. 

We have SNOW!

Although it's snowed a few times already this winter, I'm declaring this our first official snow storm of the new house.  Topping in at around 7 inches at our snow stake, I'm pretty sure this isn't going to disappear overnight like the rest of the show we've had this season so far. 

While I'm not a huge fan of snow, I will say that having a house makes me enjoy it a lot more than living in an apartment does.  I'm not sure Tom will agree with this, since he has the added task of shoveling, but just look how pretty it is!