
3 Tigers and a Horse with a Purple Nose

As tired and overwhelmed as I am, there’s one thing I am throwing all my energy into. Making magic for the kids. I have a bunch of unread emails I keep meaning to reply to, and projects half done or not started, but I already have two Christmas events booked and ready for us, and I think Halloween went pretty well too!

There’s a thing we have to do as parents, where we decide what events to go to and what events to skip. We had a lot of extra events we decided to pass on this year because they were too late at night or going to be too crowded or long, and we decided it was going to be overwhelming for the kids. They got plenty of magic, though. Pumpkin patches, corn mazes, trunk or treats, and plenty of candy. We wore our matching PJs and did crafts, but of course the main event was Halloween night!

Trick or Treat

This year everything about Halloween seemed up in the air. The pandemic is still raging on, the weather looked questionable at best, and our normal Halloween plans were no longer an option. All that added up to a big question mark about how we were going to spend the holiday. Nothing new there, I guess. Every holiday for the past almost two years now has been a mix of disappointment and change, so I shouldn’t be surprised.

A Final Note on Halloween

Look, we all know 2020 has all but turned into an expletive. There have been a lot of cancelled plans, a lot of things we’ve missed out on, and a lot of fear. But Halloween seemed like something we could do, albeit with a few modifications. So we made plans for an outdoor scavenger hunt, and as much fun as we could.

And then we had a record breaking October snow storm.

Not the Best Holiday Track Record

Remember Easter this year?

I actually didn’t. Just the other day I was asking Tom if we made it to sunrise service on Easter, and couldn’t remember why we didn’t. Oh yeah, we were all super sick. We’ve actually been doing really well since then, even managing to dodge a few outbreaks of hand, foot, mouth at daycare!

Stretching Out the Holidays

Is November 7th too late to still be talking about Halloween?  

I can't remember the last time I've spent so much time talking about this holiday, but having a kid will do that to you I guess.  

It does make me really excited for the upcoming months.  E's also really enjoying looking at bright lights lately, so you know I'm already counting the days until I can put up Christmas lights.  He's going to freak out.  It's going to be amazing!

Our First Halloween Here

Last night was our first Halloween in our new house.  We weren't expecting much, but still I made sure we were prepared.  It's true we live in a sparsely populated area of the town, and it's true that we don't even have sidewalks or street lights - two usual requirements for trick-or-treaters, but I chose to be optimistic. I wasn't expecting hundreds of kids, but maybe we'd get tenish? And in case we did, I made sure we had a variety of candy, including full sized candy bars. FULL SIZED!