Monthly Video


I’ve been talking about videos quite a bit lately. As much as I love photos and am definitely a photo person, I’ve shifted my focus to videos the past few months. A photo can never let you hear someone’s voice or laugh, really see how little your kids were, and just doesn’t capture the magic in quite the same way. So while I’ll still continue to fill my house with printed photos and books, I’m trying to focus a bit on videos too.

I recently got a professional video made of our most recent vacation, but while I was at it I also bought 3 extra videos to do first year compilations for each child. Obviously one of those is still unfinished, but I have the other two and had been showing them off to friends and family. And that’s when I realized that most people aren’t aware that I make a short video every month and put it on this website.

Catching Up on Videos!

I don’t even know who I am anymore - posting two videos in as many weeks? It makes me look like a functioning adult without a million things on her to-do list. Of course that’s not true, just yesterday I managed to bake a breakfast casserole without adding the eggs. My brain is all sorts of mush still, but photo stuff just has a way of creeping to the top of my to do list this time of year.

So while our house may be dirty, E’s bed is half made, and we’re choosing between leftovers or trying my non egg casserole for lunch, you at least benefit from another video.

What Month Is It?

Oh hello there. Seems that living in a pandemic is not always easy and is certainly exhausting. Whether it’s the extra patenting, the constant fear and anxiety or something else crazy, like zoom fatigue, I’m pretty much always tired these days. By the time the kids are in bed, I can barely keep my eyes open. I barely have enough brain power to watch an actual tv show, let alone do anything fun like document our life here. I have loads of pictures that need to be sorted through, too. Ugh.