
18 Months

I can’t decide if the past 6 months have gone quickly or not. Sometimes it felt like a never ending slog that we were sleepwalking through, but on the other hand I swear we just celebrated F’s first birthday. Either way, we have an official 18 month old on our hands. And thanks to a sleep consultant, we are back on track with sleep and everyone is feeling more like themselves lately. F is back to sleeping and happily chatting in her crib, and it feels like at least one layer of stress has evaporated.

F remains the happiest Spearson, excited to be a part of things, and loves it when we go somewhere. She mostly gets mad when we try to remind her she’s a baby and can’t always do the same things that the older two can. Oh how quickly she’s going to demand equal treatment though. Already she fights back if someone tries to push her away.

15 Months

Hello toddler!

Although she doesn’t have many words, she’s soo close to talking non stop. Sometimes babble just pours out of her mouth like she has so much to say and she’s tripping on all the sounds. Other times you’ll say something and she’ll immediately repeat it exactly once. I’ve heard kitty, “right there” and “hi bus” this week alone, but it disappears as quickly as it comes.

Catching Up on Videos!

I don’t even know who I am anymore - posting two videos in as many weeks? It makes me look like a functioning adult without a million things on her to-do list. Of course that’s not true, just yesterday I managed to bake a breakfast casserole without adding the eggs. My brain is all sorts of mush still, but photo stuff just has a way of creeping to the top of my to do list this time of year.

So while our house may be dirty, E’s bed is half made, and we’re choosing between leftovers or trying my non egg casserole for lunch, you at least benefit from another video.

18 Months

Somehow we’re halfway through 1. It’s unimaginable, because just a few days ago was your first birthday, and then we all went into quarantine and suddenly it’s today and the calendar says six months have gone by. At the same time when I think about the fact that you weren’t walking when daycare closed and we all started this home quarantine, that seems forever ago. You running around is the best thing ever. It’s a half gallop, half fall as you move slightly sideways with your belly out and arms pumping.

As we hit one and a half, you’ve picked up a few new tricks, grew some more teeth, and have a slightly better vocabulary. It’s hard to count all your words, because you have a lot that you’ll use randomly, but not often enough for me to remember unless I happen to write them down at the time. There’s a lot of context that comes with your words too. If you’re saying “bee” and looking out the window, you literally want to see a bee. But if you’re walking around saying the same thing with your arms up in the air, you’re looking for some specific object, as in “Where could it be?”

Tiny Toddler Update

Our littlest toddler is the best.

You couldn’t ask for a better quarantine buddy. Well you could, because he’s also an angry little tyrant who demands food constantly and runs away when you try and change his diaper, but he’s the best mood booster. Recently I taught him how to give hugs, and it’s the best thing ever. I don’t know why it’s taken me this long. But now I’ll tell him to give me a hug and he’ll grab one of my shoulders in each hand and squeeze them as hard as he can while grunting. Seriously, who couldn’t use a hug like that?

A Toddler Update

Let’s do a toddler update, shall we? Toddlers are a ball of distraction and energy, two things we could use right now. Also, does anyone know what comes after “toddler?” Since the baby is quickly claiming that title, I need a new stage for E. He tells me that he’s a big boy, and that I’m a super big boy, but I’m not sure that feels right… preschooler? Elder toddler?

E’s a little introvert who cares deeply for his family and friends. He recently told me that his friends make him happy in his belly. When baby G is crying, E likes to bring him a pacifier and give him a hug. He also likes to tell me “Baby likes me” which I’m pretty sure is true. He also requires lots of downtime (or space as he calls it) after big events and outings.

Hello Toddler

Thanksgiving day marks E’s half birthday this year, making him officially two and a half. Guys, two is a lot of fun. One year olds are the cutest, but two is full of surprises so far.

We all know that E has been into cooking a lot lately, and that’s definitely still a thing. But his love of art has also been growing, and it’s making his craft loving Mama very happy. He’s been less into painting lately, and all about the “projects.” Give him a glue stick, and this kid is super happy. We’ve been cutting and pasting all over the place, and it’s amazing to realize that we can actually complete a real art project together, as opposed to when he used to just smear the paint over the paper and I’d peel up tape to reveal a more finished look. (We still utilize this for the baby though! He is all about the paint!). I’m always impressed at not only his ability, but the attention span he has, and the joy he gets out of doing these projects with me.

Extra Mama Time

Here's what I believe about toddlers, at least two year old toddlers. They don't know how to misbehave, or how to do things to annoy you on purpose. They only know there are things that will get your attention, and things that won't.

And if they're doing something to get your attention, it's because they need you and don't know how to say so.


It’s fascinating watching a tiny human learn how to talk. Some words will randomly appear with no sign of where they came from. Others are fought for. Practiced over and over.

Apple? Randomly popped up one day and never left. Dad? We’ve been working on that for MONTHS. He’s finally getting there, but there are still some days that Tom gets called Mama or nothing at all. But the days where he gets out a “da!” is worth it.

18 Months

E is officially a year and a half old!

It’s been quite a journey, and in about a month we’ll be embarking on our next journey when E becomes a big brother. So before life gets super crazy, I wanted to post an update of what’s going on in E’s world. A lot has changed in the past few months, but even more has changed in the last few weeks. It seems like every day there is something new that he can do, or some new thing that is so adorable and makes me melt.

Small Things Worth Remembering

It’s a weird period of time with E.

I’m both excited for what comes next, but sad about what’s ending.

For example, his language. I’m really excited for him to be able to talk and communicate and to hear all the funny things he’s going to start saying in the next 6 months. (18 months - 2 years old is a GIANT language explosion). But I’m also going to really miss how he is now. He “talks” all day with great expression and passion.

The Bike

It’s not really about the bike. Sure the bike may have set it off, but in reality, it’s more about being a toddler. Being a toddler means learning crazy amounts of new things every day, discovering emotions that are overwhelming at the best of times, and having little control over anything in your life. Together it makes for a frustrating existence. Oh, and did I mention your mouth constantly hurts because teeth are literally ripping holes through your gums?

So that’s where we are.


Well, it's finally hit us.  We have a toddler.  And?  

I miss my baby!

One of my friends has a newborn right now.  I know she's not getting sleep and it's hard and she's recovering... but that cute little baby isn't throwing tantrums yet!  Well at least not about the things E is throwing tantrums about. Because if he was upset only because he was hungry or tired, that I could do!  I have a year's experience on that!