Random Thoughts

Life Now

So how is life going these days, anyway?

It honestly changes minute by minute. So quickly I feel like I constantly have whiplash and don’t have time to breathe. I know we’re in survival mode and it won’t always be like this. We’ll get to a point where I’ll have time to respond to emails again, make those doctors appointments I’ve had on my list forever, and not feel constantly tired. And then I’ll look back and wonder where these days went.


Hi! Still here!

We’ve been feeling like we can’t catch up lately. Lack of sleep or extra things to do or who knows, but our to do list is piling up and nothing is getting crossed off fast enough. Which means that even though I probably have cute stories to tell, my brain is so foggy I can’t remember them.

Anyway, here’s a quick update on the tiny humans. As cute as ever, keeping us as busy as ever.

Baby G has decided that since his first birthday is coming right up, he would no longer like to be a baby, and this toddler thing seems great. He has stared babbling like crazy, entering the phase I loved with E. He’ll look at something, point to it, and tell you a whole story in his own language. And then he’ll look at you with these big eyes because he completely expects you to understand. Which I feel like I do, in the moment.

Random Thoughts

I kept trying to tie all this together but in reality, here’s a brain dump of things. I’ll blame it on Sicktober, which yes, has followed us into a new month. I refuse to believe that we’re just going to be sick forever. Croup, De Quervain’s Tenosynovis, Scarlet Fever/ Strep Throat, colds, viruses, infected noses. We’ve had it ALL, and I’m done with it. But please excuse any randomness or confusion on the many things I’m trying to recover from.

These Days

These days…

E has been dumping all of his toys into an empty laundry basket, and then crawling inside. He’ll sit in there and play with his toys or read books for longer than he’ll do anything else at this point. Every time I try to clean it up during the day, he’ll come home from daycare and within minutes he’ll be back in that basket.

Things We've Been Doing

A lot of little things happen around here, and it’s hard to keep up. And since my brain is so fragmented anyway, here’s a brain dump of a post. Random things we’ve done or things that are floating around in my head. Enjoy!

Baby G has this thing he does, where every time we go to lie him down after we’ve been holding him, he gets this terrified look on his face and his arms flail up like he’s afraid we’re going to drop him. He totally does not trust us. Every single time. He is not someone who can hide his expression, and his expression says “Holy cow I’m falling and they’re not going to catch me!”

Where We Are

My mind is all over the place lately with lists of things to do, thoughts about the upcoming holiday and baby coming, things to do with E… I’m as frazzled as you’d think haha. So here is a random brain dump of what’s going on with us lately.

E had his 18 month check up the other day. Everything looked great, the doctor was super happy, and this little munchkin gained TWO inches in the past three months!! He gained a pound, which is right on track, but the doctor was super excited for his growth spurt! No wonder he can touch the ground on his little car now. I’ve updated this post with percentiles, etc.

What We've Been Doing

A lot! The fall is always my favorite time of year. It seems like it always gets filled up with fun trips and visits and activities that we never get around to at other times of the year. There are holidays to look forward to, the weather is perfect, life is good! However, it seems like I’ll never get around to making a separate blog post about everything we’ve been up to, so instead I’m going to try and play a bit of catch up. So here are a bunch of random but good things we’ve been up to.

Also in completely random updates, E has 4 teeth! We have no idea when #3 and #4 came in - we flipped him upside down the other day (the only way to really check) and he has a mouth full of teeth up there! But since he only has 1 on the bottom, we hadn’t noticed. I guess that’s a good thing though. (Although now that we know they’re here, we’re thinking back on a cranky week last week and wondering if that’s what was going on!)

More Small Moments

More and more, our days are made up of tiny moments strung together to make up our days.  Individually they aren't much more than a quick story, but together they give you a window into E's personality and our life. 


When I picked him up from daycare the other day, a teacher I hadn't seen was in the room with him.  I could tell she was smitten with E, and trying to put it in words.  "He's such a big kid, stuck in such a little body! It's like he's miniature!"  Yes, he's definitely miniature, this one.. but not in the personality!

A Peek at Life Lately

I have such a major writing block lately.  I'm not sure why, but even though I have stories to share, it's making it hard to get the words out.  I start, and then I find a million other things I'd rather be doing.  But I don't want to forget these moments either.  So here's my random brain dump:

Missing Pieces

When you're younger and you think about your future, there might be a hypothetical family.  With some fuzzy, undetermined number and gender of kids running around.  It's all purely theoretical, so I never worried too much about it besides to know that I'd like to head in that direction.  

I’ve officially moved from the “I’d like to have a family and kids someday” to being in the middle of making it happen.  But I’m not on the other side yet, where I’ll know what that family looks like.  It’s a weird place to be.  A short period of your life when things change very rapidly.  I’ve gone from being single, to married and living with someone, to having a kid, in a relatively short period of time.  But even with all that, there’s more change to come.  Our family is unfinished, and there’s no way to look ahead and know when it will be finalized.