I threw this up on Facebook, but thought I'd share it here too. I happened to have on my "napping for two" shirt one day when I was heading to E's doctor appointment, and realized I should take advantage of the photo opportunity!
Introducing Baby E
Birth Story Part III - Post Delivery
When baby E arrived, all I could think about was how hot I was (I was still fighting an infection and fever), and as they put him on me, my first thought was "WHY IS HE SO WARM!?" He wasn't there for long, though, since he was rushed off to be checked by the emergency team. It was mostly a precaution, and he turned out fine. His Apgar scores were 7 and 9, so nothing to worry about.
I, however, was another story.
Birth Story Part I - Early Labor
When I hit 40 weeks, I was pretty sure this baby wasn't going to come any time soon. None of the signs they tell you to look for were present - the baby hadn't dropped, I wasn't nesting, I didn't have a burst of energy, and none of the other things they tell you to look for had happened. I also hadn't felt a single contraction - Braxton Hicks or otherwise. In fact I felt great and the exact same that I'd been feeling for the past month or so. Also knowing that I was born 2 weeks late, I was ready to assume this baby would be late too.
Finally Here
The Final Weeks of Pregnancy
Another Year Older!
The First Lamb
My family has always known about my obsession with lambs and sheep, but now the rest of you have caught on too, since they've been popping up all over the place in the nursery. While I've always had quite a collection, there's always been one that was more special than the rest. One that came long before the others, and maybe started all of this madness.
Celebrating Bubbles
Pretending to Be Linzy for a Day
Yesterday was our semi-annual company wide volunteer day. In reality our company offers opportunities to do something almost weekly, but twice a year there's a big push to get the entire company out of the office and onto the streets of Boston.
Our department has been trying harder recently to make sure we're a part of these days, and I think it's really awesome. besides the fact that it gives us a chance to help our community, it also gets us out of the office, talking to each other, and bonding. Totally worth it.
Happenings Around Here
Easter Weekend
Linzy was here for a visit recently, probably the last guest we'll have before the baby gets here! We didn't really do too much, despite it being Easter weekend, mostly because I get about 10 minutes of energy at a time, and then all I want to do is sit down haha. Sunday Tom and I went to a sunrise service while Linzy and Maia slept in, and then we spent the afternoon outside enjoying the weather.
Happy Birthday Tom!
Two weeks late!
We didn't actually celebrate it late - I promise the cake was made and eaten on the actual birthday. Which considering my size and energy level earns me a medal. My favorite part is the candles and their multi-colored flames! I have a video of Tom not-so-successfully blowing them out, but I'll save him the embarrassment haha
Happening Around Here
Since we last mentioned our late night wake up call, we've unfortunately been dealing with more problems with our smoke detectors.
Last week there was one sleepless night where the alarms went off five (ish - I stopped counting) times between midnight and 3:30. Needless to say, no one was happy (or sleeping).
Way back when, Tom and I had plans to go away somewhere warm and tropical this winter. And then zika happened, and I was pregnant, so that plan was nixed. We started researching alternative warm places that were a bit safer. Plans were made, destinations decided on... and then I got tired and never booked anything. It just seemed like so much work to fly so far and do so many things, especially when the things I'd really want to do, I wouldn't be allowed to because of bubbles. So eventually plan D was implemented, and we combined a weekend away with a staycation.
The Garage That Wouldn't
So a quick update on our garage. So it turned out that the breaker had gone bad and knocked out power to our entire basement. A quick trip to Lowe's gave us the new piece we needed, and then all we needed to do was swap it out.
We've actually had to replace a breaker before, so we weren't too worried about doing it again. Switch off the main power to the house, remove the front of the electrical panel, and then swap out the pieces. (Also enlist the help of an assistant to hold a flashlight!).
Two Quick Stories
Homeowner Mysteries
Confession: I have never once unlocked a door to our house with a key, and entered that way.
Every single time I've come home, I've entered through the garage. My car has a built in button to open the door from inside the car. And if that were ever to fail, I have the actual garage door opener in my glove box. This week my car happens to be getting some minor work done, so I've been driving a rental, and using that spare garage door opener. Tom does the same thing.
The 2nd Trimester is Boring
Late Night Wake Up Call
One of the random side effects/symptoms of pregnancy, is bloody noses. Weird, right? Of course there's a totally logical reason for it, but it's still an annoying and odd thing to have to deal with among all the other changes your body is going through. One of the suggestions that doctors give you to deal with them, is to get a humidifier. A humidifier also happens to be one of the only things you're able to use to treat a cold, which I came down with this past week.
So off to the store we went last weekend to buy a cool mist humidifier. We'll likely need one for the baby anyway, so it seemed like a smart investment. I used it mostly at night, and it was actually working! I think I only had one bloody nose this week (trust me, that's a huge improvement) and my cold passed pretty quickly too. I was hooked.