Posts by Caitlin

Ready for Summer!

Or Spring.  Pretty much anything as long as there's no snow on the ground. 

The weather was super nice this weekend, so I suggested that we pull out our newly acquired outdoor furniture.  It's not a lot at this point, and will likely be upgraded over the years (especially if we rebuild our deck at some point), but for now it's enough to get us outside.  


At this point in my pregnancy, I guess the best way to describe how I'm feeling, is that I'm adjusting.  This has become my new normal, and I've just accepted it.  It's like it my mind I'm going to be pregnant forever, and will always have to deal with these symptoms. 

I suppose that's good, because it means I haven't had any melt downs or bad days in a while, but it also means I'm in complete denial that this pregnancy will end, and rather soon.


Okay, maybe this is an odd thing to get excited about, but here I am. 

We recently bought a dresser for the nursery when we realized the piece of furniture we had originally planned to use wasn't going to work.  The dresser was pretty, and fit the room, but I kept coming back to one thing that was bothering me - the knobs on the drawers. 

The Long Overdue Basement

It always seems to happen this way.  Whenever I get too confident in how easy something is going to be, it turns into something way more complicated. (Hello diabetes test!)  So of course when the basement was supposed to take 3 weeks, but after the first week it looked like it would be done in a week and a half, that meant that OF COURSE it was going to take 5 weeks.  Not because there was that much work, but because that's just what happens.  People disappear, problems pop up and the electrician needs to come back THREE times.  

Even once it was done, it took almost a full week for the team to come back and pick up their extra supplies that they'd left all over our garage.  In my parking space.  Which this ever-expanding pregnant lady got to maneuver around every day.  Yay! 

Happening Around Here

Since we last mentioned our late night wake up call, we've unfortunately been dealing with more problems with our smoke detectors. 

Last week there was one sleepless night where the alarms went off five (ish - I stopped counting) times between midnight and 3:30.  Needless to say, no one was happy (or sleeping).

I Don't Think I Can

Week 28... the week that broke me. 

Some women are really good at being pregnant.  Some love it.  A coworker of mine has 4 children and confessed she had thought about being a surrogate she loved it so much.  All I can think about is, "WHY DIDN'T I HIRE A SURROGATE!?"  I'm obviously not one of those women who love this.  I hate it, it's horrible, and this week I've officially reached my breaking point.  

Third Trimester: In Like a Lion

...out like a lamb?

A girl can hope, right?  Either way, I'm missing my second trimester easiness.  Suddenly the heartburn is here every day and will. not. go. away.  Things are sore and painful (omg so painful!), and I swear I'm getting bigger every day!  One day my jacket still zips fine, and two days later it's too small!   One day I can easily get my shoes on, and the next my belly seems to be getting in the way. 

A Day of Bubbles

So I'm getting to the point where I'm supposed to be counting kicks and such.  More importantly, though, is figuring out if your baby has a schedule, so you'll know at what points of the day to expect more movement than others.  The theory is then if something is wrong, you're more likely to notice. 

In preparation, I decided to try and pay attention for a full day.  At my last appointment they told me I shouldn't go more than an hour without feeling movement (unless I'm not paying attention).  So for anyone who might be interested, here is a breakdown of Bubble's day:

Double the Sugar, Double the Fun

So fun fact: when you have to take the 3 hour glucose test, the drink you're given has apparently twice the sugar as the drink from the 1 hour test!  (Apparently that's what the 50/100 numbers mean).  Although besides it being a bit more bubbly than the previous one, I didn't notice much of a difference.  I chugged it as quickly as I had last time, and then followed it by a bunch of water.  It's really not the worst part of the test.

Nursery Update

So far I've shared bits and pieces of a nursery in progress:  the painting, and the almost crib.  Since then, we received the crib piece we needed to finish putting that together,  and we've made progress in other areas of the room too.  We've been tackling things in small chunks, which makes it much more manageable.  Some days we might only have energy to take tags off of baby clothes, or to throw in a load of laundry, but piece by piece, things have been getting done.  

Sugar High

I must say, for all the fear and anxiety that usually comes along with this test, it might be the easiest and most relaxing thing I've had to do this pregnancy!

Yup, it was time for the dreaded glucose/diabetes test.  This is the test where you're given an extremely sweet drink that tastes like flat orange soda (that also happens to burns your throat), and you have to finish it within 5 minutes of taking your first sip.  Then an hour later, you get your blood drawn. 


Way back when, Tom and I had plans to go away somewhere warm and tropical this winter.  And then zika happened, and I was pregnant, so that plan was nixed.  We started researching alternative warm places that were a bit safer.  Plans were made, destinations decided on... and then I got tired and never booked anything.  It just seemed like so much work to fly so far and do so many things, especially when the things I'd really want to do, I wouldn't be allowed to because of bubbles.  So eventually plan D was implemented, and we combined a weekend away with a staycation.

The Garage That Wouldn't

So a quick update on our garage.  So it turned out that the breaker had gone bad and knocked out power to our entire basement.  A quick trip to Lowe's gave us the new piece we needed, and then all we needed to do was swap it out.

We've actually had to replace a breaker before, so we weren't too worried about doing it again.  Switch off the main power to the house, remove the front of the electrical panel, and then swap out the pieces.  (Also enlist the help of an assistant to hold a flashlight!). 

Homeowner Mysteries

Confession: I have never once unlocked a door to our house with a key, and entered that way. 

Every single time I've come home, I've entered through the garage.  My car has a built in button to open the door from inside the car.  And if that were ever to fail, I have the actual garage door opener in my glove box.  This week my car happens to be getting some minor work done, so I've been driving a rental, and using that spare garage door opener. Tom does the same thing. 

Expectation vs Reality

Expectation: The piece of furniture you ordered and scheduled for delivery on Monday, will be delivered on Monday.

Reality: You'll get a call from the delivery people saying they'll deliver on Monday.  Then they call you back and say, um they're not sure, but they'll get back to you.  Then they call back and say they absolutely will deliver on Monday.  They promise, pinky swear.  Then another call.  Oops, their mistake... they're not delivering on Monday after all... you're totally cool with changing all of your plans, right?