
Non-baby Post!

Bet you didn't expect one of those fora while...

We have a long list of projects on our wishlist of things we'd like to do to our house.  Years and years worth of projects.  I wish I could be working on all of them right now, but with current circumstances, that's just not possible.  In fact I'd pretty much come to terms with the fact that we wouldn't get anything done ever again. (Okay that's dramatic, but maybe for the next few years).

The Long Overdue Basement

It always seems to happen this way.  Whenever I get too confident in how easy something is going to be, it turns into something way more complicated. (Hello diabetes test!)  So of course when the basement was supposed to take 3 weeks, but after the first week it looked like it would be done in a week and a half, that meant that OF COURSE it was going to take 5 weeks.  Not because there was that much work, but because that's just what happens.  People disappear, problems pop up and the electrician needs to come back THREE times.  

Even once it was done, it took almost a full week for the team to come back and pick up their extra supplies that they'd left all over our garage.  In my parking space.  Which this ever-expanding pregnant lady got to maneuver around every day.  Yay!