Gestational Diabetes

Third Trimester

It’s time to get BIG!

Seriously though. They say that everything happens quicker in subsequent pregnancies because your body remembers this time around, but whoa is it true. It’s like my body just said “oh remember what it felt like to be 9 months pregnant? Let’s jump there NOW!”

So I’m feeling very big, and slow, and out of breath. I can’t breathe very well and doing almost anything leaves me panting. Who would have thought sitting on the couch would be so hard? My clothes are already uncomfortable, and it’s already impossible for me to find a position to sleep or sit in that feels good.

Double the Sugar, Double the Fun

So fun fact: when you have to take the 3 hour glucose test, the drink you're given has apparently twice the sugar as the drink from the 1 hour test!  (Apparently that's what the 50/100 numbers mean).  Although besides it being a bit more bubbly than the previous one, I didn't notice much of a difference.  I chugged it as quickly as I had last time, and then followed it by a bunch of water.  It's really not the worst part of the test.