Posts by Caitlin

Music to Dance to

One of the lists from my 52 Lists Journal asked me to "list the a soundtrack to your life right now."  I'm not sure how you go about creating your own soundtrack, or if there's supposed to be special meaning behind it, but I pretty much went for the songs that have been making me happy as I listen to them lately:

Screw You January

So maybe you've noticed something.  A Tuesday here or there, a Thursday post that comes on a Friday, and then all of a sudden an entire week goes by... and no blog posts!  I wish I could say it was because we were off doing fabulous things and just didn't have the time to pause and recap here, because we were having so much fun!

Merry Christmas!

Technically Christmas Eve, but close enough!  I hope wherever you are, you're taking some time to enjoy the holiday, pretty lights, and a warm drink.  I'll be heading up the road to Jake and Jill's for their annual Christmas Eve party and then heading home to go to bed early for Santa!

Candy Cane Memories

Every year I'd look for it, and every year it was there.  Maybe not on the first box I picked up, but eventually I'd find the correct one.  And there it was, tied to the ribbon around the box.  Not just any type of ribbon either - she always used the puffy, yarn-like, braided ribbon, usually in red, green or white.  No thin curling ribbon here.  Sometimes I could free it myself, other times I needed the help of scissors.  And then off it would go to my mom for safe keeping, while I tore open the packages to see what was inside.  Although at the time it was never the gift itself, always treated as more of a decoration of sorts, it's the only thing I've kept and enjoyed year after year.