My Birthday

Catching Up: Celebrating the Parents

Life got busy as it does, and one of the things that disappeared around here was blog updates. There was also a period where I debated if I wanted to continue it, but I’ve decided that the benefits of tracking memories makes it worth it. You will see some changes - making things a bit more generic, for example, to keep some privacy while still documenting life.

So what did we miss in the last 6 months or so?

Mother's and Mama Day

May is quickly becoming my least favorite month, which is unfortunate, because it used to be my favorite. But it suddenly feels like there’s so much to do and plan! It’s hard to think about myself, and my birthday (or Mother’s Day) when I’m trying to play E’s birthday. I’m trying to find a happy medium, though, where I’ll still celebrate and enjoy myself but not be too stressed. I joked this year that I’m going to start moving my birthday to February, because I could use some more fun there, and less to do in May.

Happy Birthday to Me!

Mostly here to remind myself - I honestly woke up this morning and had no clue. I’ve been doing this thing lately where I focus so much on E’s birthday, that I completely forget about mine. My birthday, which I used to spend 2 months planning and thinking about. Instead I spend that time thinking about how to make E’s birthday special. Nothing particularly wrong with that, I suppose, but my goal for the next year is to try not to forget about myself so much. I’m sure it would be easy to do with 3 small children, so maybe if I make a promise to myself now, I’ll at least be thinking about it.

Anyway, happy birthday to me!