Happy Birthday to Me!

Mostly here to remind myself - I honestly woke up this morning and had no clue. I’ve been doing this thing lately where I focus so much on E’s birthday, that I completely forget about mine. My birthday, which I used to spend 2 months planning and thinking about. Instead I spend that time thinking about how to make E’s birthday special. Nothing particularly wrong with that, I suppose, but my goal for the next year is to try not to forget about myself so much. I’m sure it would be easy to do with 3 small children, so maybe if I make a promise to myself now, I’ll at least be thinking about it.

Despite having to work all day on things with immediate deadlines, it actually was a nice day. I treated myself to a starbucks drink before daycare pick up, and when we got home we at my Boston Creme Pie Cake for dinner. G was so excited he asked if he could sing “Happy Birthday” to me which was super cute.

Anyway, happy birthday to me!

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Also, from what I can tell this photo was taken at my 4th birthday. It has the famous train cake, which I’ve known for a while I’ll want to recreate for one of my kid’s birthday’s. But it also makes me laugh that it seems to be a Sesame Street birthday - last year E had a Cookie Monster birthday and this year was Frazzle (both of which are Sesame Street characters if you’re not familiar). I guess some things never change!

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