First Day of School

September Brings Changes

It’s back to school season!

I’m not going to lie, this back to school period was hard. The calendar was very full, even without the fun celebrations for a birthday and vacation. We had three children starting school on three different days, and each had an orientation day and back to school night on top of that. Two of the children were starting completely new schools, which only added to the stress.

End of Summer

We just finished the craziest week of the summer in case you were wondering why F’s birthday post was late. I started it early but nothing was accomplished this week. I’ve been trying to do laundry for days, but just surviving is about where we ended up.

The end of summer means we’re at the start of a new school year. I think we were mostly successful, despite the fact that daycare decided to close for a few days while school was starting. The worst time of the year for them to close? Possibly.

We Have a Kindergartener!

Despite being in denial for as long as I could, it finally happened. We officially have a school aged child that hopped right on the school bus with no hesitation and not even a look back. There were no tears, no extra hugs, no fear. It’s probably a good sign that we’ve done something right, so I’ll try to focus on that and not how rude it was that he didn’t even pretend he was sad to be leaving me.

But to back up, the preparation for this started a while ago. Getting a child ready for school is a lot - there is paperwork and school supplies and labels to put on EVERYTHING. A few weeks ago there was a teacher and classroom announcement where we found out that he didn’t actually have a teacher. It caused a bit of a panic and some worry for us, but luckily one was hired and I think we got a good one. (Is there such a thing as a bad kindergarten teacher?)

This Season

Nothing about this pandemic makes sense to me anymore, but one of the more annoying things is that some daycares let parents into the buildings while others do not. I understand the logic, and I’m not someone who’s going to fight against people who are trying to keep my children safe, but I will admit that it would be so much easier if I was allowed inside the building.

Yes I’d like to be able to see what’s going on in my children’s classroom, and be able to check that they have enough extra clothes that still fit them and if the baby needs more diapers or not, but also because it would be easier to gather everything. It would be nice to be able to strap the baby into car seat and gather all the things that need to go back and forth every day from inside a building. And not in the cold or the rain.