First Grade

A Karate Party

It’s funny how much can change in a year. Last year I said I wasn’t a fan of class parties, and this year they’re my favorite haha. Partly because they seem to be slipping away - I thought we’d have them through third or fourth grade. And maybe our class was an abnormally this year, but the parties were already splitting boys and girls, which obviously doesn’t work for us. We only had 2 invites to parties this year, and watching how sad it made E, and also seeing other parents stress about kids not showing up has moved my opinion towards one of, the more parties the better!

End of Summer

We just finished the craziest week of the summer in case you were wondering why F’s birthday post was late. I started it early but nothing was accomplished this week. I’ve been trying to do laundry for days, but just surviving is about where we ended up.

The end of summer means we’re at the start of a new school year. I think we were mostly successful, despite the fact that daycare decided to close for a few days while school was starting. The worst time of the year for them to close? Possibly.