Life With EFG

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Our Weekend

Work has been insanely busy and stressful lately, I feel like I don’t get to see my kids enough during the day, and there’s never enough time to cross everything we need to do around the house off my list, but last weekend was the first weekend since F has been born that we haven’t felt like we were drowning. So there’s that!

I’m not sure if it’s because we switched F to two naps (which makes us nap trapped from 9am until almost 4pm but means we have less hours in the day with all 3 children awake) or if we’re just settling into a groove as a family of five finally. I’m not sure it matters, but it was nice to enjoy the weekend. And this was on top of us freaking out about a baby that is refusing food and not gaining weight - so that’s saying something!

We did some crafts and some baking, we played outside and we ran errands. Of course we also had to stop and pick up a prescription because I woke up Sunday with conjunctivitis (BECAUSE OF COURSE I DID - see previous statements about stress) but it still overall was a good weekend. We even celebrated Tom’s birthday too. E and G decorated the house, which meant they were thrilled and so was I because it was one less thing I had to do. But I’ll offer that explanation as to why you’ll find random streamers hanging off our walls, all about four feet off the ground.

Last year E picked the theme, but this year G got to. So obviously Tom ended up with a “baa baa” cake. G actually insisted on the marshmallows, though, so it went in a different direction that I probably would have gone, had you just told me to make a sheep cake. And E insisted on having lit birthday candles on the cake. Both Tom and I don’t really love candles so we never use them, which has lead to a very sheltered child who has never had the experience of blowing out candles and wants us to know he’s upset.

But then Monday came and it was back to work and stress and feeling like I’m failing at everything, when little G came back upstairs during breakfast one morning. I was working, and he was supposed to be with Tom. He stuck his head in my office and said “Mama? How about you snuggle with me for a little bit of time and read books and then you can go back to work?” I don’t know anyone who could say no to that, so I joined him in his room to cuddle.

Here’s to hopefully more cuddling and less unrealistic deadlines in our future.

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