An Ode to a Tongue

I’m not sure why it happened, but about two weeks ago, it appeared. And has been a constant presence ever since. She always loved her tongue, of course. She curled it, and stuck it out at us, and did other things you use a tongue for. But lately? It’s always here. And always curled slightly and pointed up towards her nose.

And I don’t mean it makes an appearance like you might see it once or twice a day. I mean that it’s constantly out, the entire time you’re playing with her, just curled like that. It’s her favorite trick, and I think she likes the reaction she gets. In standard youngest child fashion, she knows how to get attention. Try ignoring her for a few minutes and she’ll blow raspberries or screech like a barn owl. And you’ll run over to her and watch her just smile at you.

You can’t not laugh when you look at it. It’s brought us all so much happiness, so if that’s the entire point of it, it’s good enough for me.


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