Caitlin's Obsessions

Brief Thanksgiving Celebration, then more Christmas!

Thanksgiving was never one of those holidays that I got too excited for.  Maybe because I don't love food as much as some other people, so to me, it's just another meal? Or maybe because it feels like the one final thing standing between me and when I can officially start celebrating Christmas?

What in the world is Synesthesia??

A while back, I was trying to explain something to Tom related to the months of the year.  He clearly wasn't understanding what I was trying to describe, even though it seemed so clear to me.  After a few more experiences like this, he jokingly said to me one day: "I think you have synesthesia."

Never having heard the word before, I think I brushed him off ("No, YOU have synesthesia!) and continued my attempt to explain to him what I was seeing that he couldn't visualize.

Ed Sheeran at Gillette Stadium!

Finally the event we've been counting down for all year has arrived!  No, not the wedding - ED SHEERAN! I became obsessed with him when his last album X was released, and bought a copy for the car.  I then proceeded to play it on repeat (sometimes just the same two tracks) over and over again on multiple long road trips until Tom was forced to become a fan as well.  Nicole also joined us (as she tends to appreciate most talented musicians and will almost never say no when I ask her to go to something), as did Jill (who became a fan after googling "who is Ed Sheeran" when we asked her if she'd like to come). 

Saturday Night Live

Every August, I always enter the SNL ticket lottery, and then make all of my friends enter it as well, and promise to take me if they win.  This past March, it paid off!  My best friend forwarded me an email she'd received from NBC informing her she'd won two tickets to the dress rehearsal of the March 28th show.  Not wanting to forget a second of it, I've written down everything I can remember.