We Lost a Tooth Today!

It happened!

At 6 and a half, we finally have our first lost tooth!

It has been loose for months, and really ramped up the last few weeks. Tom wiggled it at Thanksgiving and declared it lose enough he would have pulled it as a child. However it seems like E takes after their mama a bit, and had no interest in pulling it. They were wiggling it a bunch with their tongue, and when they woke up this morning it was half falling out of their mouth.

It was sticking up so much they couldn’t chew any food and was upset that they wouldn’t be able to eat all day. And then ten minutes later they just walked over with it in their hand and told me it fell out. Super easy, all done! The only tears were from younger siblings who won’t be waking up to their own money tomorrow…

I’m not sure I’m ready for years more of my children having their teeth fall out everywhere, but I’ll say that the first one was exciting. I may take that comment back tonight, though, when I realize we’re dealing with tooth fairy and advent calendars before I can go to bed…

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