Nick Names: None??
Height: 43 inches
Weight: 43 pounds
Favorite Color: Yellow, occasionally green
Favorite Food: Bacon, Candy, Whipped Cream
Other Favorites: Baa Baas, Gems/Treasures/Sparkly Things, dressing up

Five seems like a big number. Five means kindergarten is coming. More and more I look at pictures of him and realize that he has gotten so big. Everything about him looks older and not like the little kid he used to be. He’s calmer than he was, his outbursts (while still epic) are less frequent and easier controlled. It’s hard knowing that the upcoming year is going to be both hard and exciting for him (any mentions of kindergarten leads to an immediate meltdown), and that he’ll grow even more.

He’s been working to pick up new skills - how to get himself dressed every day, and put his dishes away after a meal. His drawing skills are also getting really good and are so impressive. Pictures he draws have gone from cute and funny to almost shockingly good, and his teachers comment on them often.

Personality wise he’s still such a good mix of a happy, attention seeking performer… and a pensive, emotional and gentle soul. It’s a great combination and it’s fun when family or friends get to see both sides. He has such a lovely relationship with his little sibling. The two of them will play together and make each other laugh. He’s so good and making sure she’s included, and he never calls her a baby.

At the end of the day, he’s just a chill kid that loves to make a “nest” for himself, cuddle up with a blanket, and relax in a comfy spot. He’s not complicated, there’s not a lot that he wants or needs to make him happy. He likes what everyone else likes, and is happy if everyone else is too. But when there is something he likes, his joy is the best, most contagious thing ever.

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