Life With EFG

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Still Summer

Sometimes I forget it’s summer. I simultaneously think it’s still March and can’t believe it’s not September yet. Time is an odd thing now.

Of course it doesn’t always feel like summer, either. I’m certainly not doing or experiencing the things that usually mark summer for me. Even silly ones - commuting in the heat in long pants and arriving in the office all sweaty is a thing of the past. No longer am I getting into a hot car and burning my hands on the steering wheel and finding my water too hot to drink. I’m barely getting into the car at all.

And although I’m not a huge beach person, our week at Maine was cancelled this year, so that feels odd too.

On the other hand, we’ve been doing things we never have before. Playing in our yard and running through the sprinkler. We’ve found a new activity in washing our cars too - the cars might not be going anywhere, but at least they’ll be clean!

I almost think we’ve forgotten how to go places. We try to occasionally, just to remind us that there’s a world out there, even if it’s a bit scary right now. I’ll be honest, though, the thought of trying to make plans to go somewhere new exhausts me right now. So if we do go somewhere, it’s usually a familiar place. It helps if we know it’s somewhere we can avoid people. We were at our favorite farm recently - you know I can’t resist the strawberry shortcake! I asked everyone to take a quick picture, just because. It’s my form of payment. They get yummy treats as soon as they give me a quick picture.

I set the self timer on my camera, set the tripod on the stroller, and hope for the best. That way we don’t have to rely on someone else to take a picture for us. It entertains me to look back at other recent ones and see how things are different, and how they’re the exact same.

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