Petting Zoo

Still Summer

Sometimes I forget it’s summer. I simultaneously think it’s still March and can’t believe it’s not September yet. Time is an odd thing now.

Of course it doesn’t always feel like summer, either. I’m certainly not doing or experiencing the things that usually mark summer for me. Even silly ones - commuting in the heat in long pants and arriving in the office all sweaty is a thing of the past. No longer am I getting into a hot car and burning my hands on the steering wheel and finding my water too hot to drink. I’m barely getting into the car at all.

Trying to be Normal

It’s not easy in this new world. Everything stresses me out or makes me anxious. I’m constantly on edge and judging everyone I can see. I judge them for not wearing a mask, or not wearing it correctly, for getting too close to me or someone else, for touching something - it all stresses me out.

But at the same time, it’s hard to hide at home forever. It’s summer, which means it’s easy to get outside, and we all know that’s safer than being inside. And since I believe we’re going to be fighting this virus for a while, we might as well take advantage of being outside while we can. Otherwise I’m going to regret it when winter hits.

Strawberry Shortcake for Breakfast?

Sure, why not?

Right now nap schedules pretty much keep us home from 9am until 3pm. Which severely limits what we’re able to do or where we’re able to go on the weekends. It’s a lot of staying home, playing in the yard, or splitting up kids and leaving the house with just one at a time.

Which is fine. That’s the season we’re in, and I rank sleep as more important than almost everything else, so I don’t mind staying home. But every once in a while we want to do something special, and it takes a bit of creativity. Which is what we did last weekend.