Life With EFG

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Happy Birthday Tom!!

Happy Birthday Tom!!

Birthdays definitely look a little different during quarantine, but we’re doing the best we can. We went for a family walk to get outside, I made us some confetti brownies to celebrate, and we even have a party to go to later. Sure, it would have been more fun to go in person, but we’re still excited.

The kids don’t really know there’s anything wrong. They know things are different, but different doesn’t always mean bad at this age. We’ll celebrate Easter tomorrow, and hopefully G and E won’t even notice things are a bit weird.

This morning E woke up and greeted Tom with a big “HAPPY BIRTHDAY” and presented him with a birthday card he’d decorated, and was very proud of. We’ve been promising special birthday treats, and he can’t wait for the egg hunt tomorrow. As long as we keep our enthusiasm up, the kids seem to be doing fine.

Still, I’m hoping that next year we can do something a bit different. Go to the movies. Out to eat. Out of the house. Fingers crossed.


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