Life With EFG

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A Final Note on Halloween

Look, we all know 2020 has all but turned into an expletive. There have been a lot of cancelled plans, a lot of things we’ve missed out on, and a lot of fear. But Halloween seemed like something we could do, albeit with a few modifications. So we made plans for an outdoor scavenger hunt, and as much fun as we could.

And then we had a record breaking October snow storm.

I swear I watched the news the night before, and they told us we’d get a coating that would melt by Halloween. Instead we got almost 4 inches that did not melt. So we bundled up in snowsuits and ran around looking for eggs in snowbanks. We ate pizza with mittened hands on picnic tables and you know what? It worked.

The kids had fun, the adults had fun, and I think it was good for our souls. We followed the same routine we’ve done the past few years, which means we were likely the first ones at most houses, and didn’t see many other people on the street. In fact, as soon as we started to see other people (non masked adults at that!) we decided we had enough and headed home. Our kids didn’t need a lot of candy, it was past their bedtime, and they’d had the trick-or-treating experience. Or as much as they were going to get in 2020. It was pretty much a walk around the block, grabbing candy from tables at the end of driveways. It did highlight how weird Halloween is, but we’ll save that for another time.

Holidays with small children are always hard, but I think ours went as well as we could have hoped. Both kids were thrilled with their costumes (which were thankfully warm!) and we only had a few meltdowns about wanting to eat the candy as soon as it hit their buckets. In the end most of it was saved for breakfast the next morning, where we let them go crazy. Similar to last year, it was fun to watch what they liked and what they didn’t. E liked everything except for the Twizzlers, while G decided Twizzlers, the sour candy, Kit Kats and Tootsie Rolls were all not worth it. Yogurt raisins and M&Ms were both favorites by a long shot.

It was weird, just like everything in 2020, but I’m glad it wasn’t completely cancelled.

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