Thankful turkey


So apparently this turkey cheese ball is going to be an annual tradition. Which is fine because honestly I think it’s super cute and is the easiest thing to make. Half the fun of having children is having someone to get excited with about silly things like this. I honestly might have skipped it this year, but the children insisted it happen. And they eat it! Which can’t be said for much of Thanksgiving food, so I was happy to have it. They’ll probably be making it themselves by next year.

What Have We Missed?

On a totally out of order post, I realized I never talked about Thanksgiving! It’s not completely surprising because on my constant to do list of things I would like to be doing, somehow typing ends up at the bottom. Having two hands is a privilege I don’t often have. I’m getting more sleep lately, which is great, but it means I have less time for other things. Trade off.

But I did want to quickly mention some things to cement the memories which will certainly disappear.