Pregnancy Announcement

Here We Go Again

This past year, as awful as it’s been at times, has also taught me a lot. About what’s important, what makes me happy, and what I think is really important in life. I’ve also realized I no longer have the energy to waste on things like keeping secrets. And so, one of the bigger secrets I’ve had to keep in my adult life, I have no interest in keeping again.

I’m pregnant!

I Keep Meaning to...

I'm not doing a great job with this pregnancy.  I keep forgetting to do the things I'm supposed to do.  Like tell people that I'm pregnant.  In 15 and a half weeks, I've told maybe 3 people?  And that doesn't include my family haha.  First I was waiting for an ultrasound picture (which I still don't have), and then I was waiting to see them in person, which keeps getting cancelled or pushed back... and then I just keep forgetting. 

I'll be in the middle of a conversation with someone and realize, oh I should totally tell them I'm pregnant!  And then it seems weird in the conversation, and we were talking about their problems and how weird and selfish would it be to suddenly say, HEY want to talk about ME?? I know you're dealing with some heavy stuff and all, but let's ignore that for now and discuss ME!!!  

Why Choose One

...when you can have four different pregnancy announcements!?

Honestly it was lack of vision.  I wasn't sure what I wanted to do.  So I sort of did everything?  What ended up happening is different people saw different announcements at different times or places.  Here's a round up of most of them. 


Let me apologize for holding this in for so long.  It was never my intention... I just kept forgetting to tell people? 

Maybe it's because I spend my days chasing around E that I'm too busy to think about anything else.  Maybe it's because I've been so sick that even sleeping requires effort.  (More on that later).