
Goodbye Dressers

Before I had children, baby-proofing seemed like a one time thing you did. Your house wasn’t safe, you baby-proofed it, and now it was. Instead I’ve learned it’s an almost constant state. First you move things out of reach, and then what they can reach changes. They learn to climb, and then more things need to be moved or secured. We’ve done a pretty good job, but it’s getting to the point where we need to do another pass through the house.

First up? Our bedroom.

The End Brings Out the Crazy

Here’s my tip to other pregnant women: If there’s some idea you have floating in your mind, but you keep putting it off or saying no because logically you know it doesn’t make sense, just go ahead and do it NOW. Otherwise, you’re going to hit 38 weeks and decide that it needs to happen that minute, and all logic goes out the window.

Normally, I am queen of logic. It rules my life. I am fine with putting off projects or saying no to things, because I know the reasons why it wouldn’t be a good idea. And so this entire pregnancy I’ve been saying that no, the guest room can stay the way it is for now. No, we don’t need a second baby room right now. The baby wouldn’t be using it right away anyway - I mean E slept in the living room for the first few months of his life. This baby can sleep in our room if need be.

Someone is Way Too Excited Over a Closet

And that someone is me. (You probably guessed that already, right?)

We have a spare room in our house that really can't be a bedroom, since you have to walk through it to get to another part of our house.  I think it's meant to be a small office, but it wouldn't work for Tom and I to share, and we've already set our office up in another room. 

That left a craft room as the next obvious option.  If you know me at all, you know that the amount of craft related items I own is ridiculous.  They needed a spot.  The best part about this room, is that it has an okay sized closet.  Not big, but okay.  So it quickly became a fun challenge to figure out how we could maximize the space in there.