
Nick Names: Bud, Sweetness
Height: 46 inches
Weight: 42.6 pounds
Favorite Color: Red, Yellow, Orange, Green, Blue
Favorite Food: Yogurt, Feta cheese, Kix, Fried Eggs
Other Favorites: Running, Reading, Legos, Puzzles , Unicorns, Superheroes

Happy 7th Birthday!

This has been such a big year of self discovery for you. You’ve learned to read well enough to learn to love it, and devour books - especially graphic novels. You also love math (and make everyone constantly quiz you) and learning animal facts too. You’ve also learned a lot about yourself and how you identify and what makes you happy. I’m always impressed in your confidence even when it’s not popular. And we are happy to be your always support and cheerleaders.

You are still so sweet and kind and caring about other’s feelings. You are very observant and watching everyone around you. Lately you’ve been actively trying to win over your youngest sibling by reading to her, bringing her toys, and are so heartbroken when if she brushes you off. (Because that’s a fun thing for a 2 year old to do, I swear it’s not personal). Even though you and your other sibling fight a lot, it’s been so fun to watch you teach him new things and include him in whatever is interesting to you.

Your mind is always running and you have so many things to tell me. It’s a constant stream of information pouring out, and for now I’m lucky that you want to share it all with me.

You know who you are and what you like. You have your own taste in music, and love to memorize songs and listen to the story they tell. I’m always amazed at how quickly you’ll learn all the words to a song we’ve only heard once or twice. And of course when it comes to clothes, shoes, etc, you have a vision of what you want, and accept nothing else.

Happy birthday to the coolest 7 year old I know!

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