Life With EFG

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December Wrap Up

One more December post.

We really had so much fun this month. Both Tom and I were off for the entire week of Christmas and we were able to do so many fun things. Even the rest of the month was filled with activities every weekend. Some I’ve already written about, but there were enough other things I just wanted to get down in a post.

First up, for the first time ever we attended our town’s tree lighting! I’m always a little confused as to what you’re supposed to do leading up to the event. I think the real answer is have more friends and spend your time chatting with them, but we just stood around and waited. It was worth it though, because when the trees lit up, it was one of the coolest things we’ve ever seen. All the towns around here light up every tree on the common, not just one tree, so it’s super pretty and dramatic.

I also had the opportunity to be a mystery reader in E’s class this December. It involved reading a book to the class and then leading them in a craft activity. I’ll be honest it was a little intimidating, but I think it went over really well. I picked a book about unicorns and then we made unicorn crowns and wands and happily all the kids were thrilled. By the time the event was over I was exhausted and my heart was pounding - leading a class of first graders is not for the weak!

As you know G had a birthday. He gets a little cheated having a birthday so close to Christmas, so last minute I had Tom run out and get mini cupcakes for him to bring into his class to celebrate. It went over well and he got to wear a birthday crown for the day which he enjoyed.

Speaking of dressing up, we had more than enough dress up days - PJ days and dress like a penguin or a candy cane or wear a funny hat. It was nearly impossible to keep track for 3 kids, but I think we were mostly successful. This tends to be how schools celebrate the winter holidays now. No pageants at the elementary school, but daycare tried - and failed haha. The kids all got too scared when they saw the crowd and no one actually sang. We ended up with two crying children instead.

We also did gingerbread houses again, and smashed them in the driveway. As always, E and G tapped gently away, pulling pieces of candy off one at a time. But we were all surprised when F came in and SMASHED hers. Spectacularly and quickly. It was amazing and one of my favorite moments.

The month was busy and fun in the best way. We had play dates and birthday parties and we went to see “Migration” in the theaters. It wasn’t the best movie we’ve seen, but it was the best the kids have been in the theater yet. I’m not sure if it’s the practice we’ve had or if the fact the movie was only 90 minutes helped with the antsy feeling they usually get at the end, but it was incredibly enjoyable.

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