Life With EFG

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Crazy Fall Life

There’s something about fall that is non stop crazy every year. More so than summer when we’re dealing with vacations and no school and camps. More so than spring when we’re dealing with non stop birthdays and big holidays. September through December just fly by.

This year is no exception. We’re still getting used to a new elementary school with a new teacher, new administration, new rules and bus routes and everything that goes with it. It’s involving a lot more phone calls and meetings than I expected, but hopefully things will settle down soon.

The fall is also full of fun activities - apple picking and fall fairs and as soon as October hits there were trick or treating events every weekend. And all these events require preparation and buying costumes and THE THEME DAYS. Dress like a witch day. Mummy day. Pumpkin day. PJ days but don’t send me in boring PJ days. Oh and weekly show and tell WITH A THEME.

The fall is also full of sickness - colds and runny noses and does this kiddo have strep throat or a fever? Plus everyone now needs TWO vaccines in the fall - that’s 10 vaccines to schedule now, and almost none of them can be done at the same time because some places are out of stock or don’t give shots to young kids.

Work has also been insane for both of us, and then on top of it all, our anti-Thanksgiving gathering grew big enough to require us to buy an actual turkey?

All that to say, I’ve probably got a lot of pictures to catch up on! Whoops!

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