Ongoing Pandemic

As this pandemic continues on and on and on, one thing I’m very sick of is how long I spend searching for things. Do we even remember fully stocked shelves anymore?  When a shopping trip meant you knew you’d be able to cross everything off your list?  Because so many people in the world are still getting sick and missing work, it’s really messed with the supply chain.  Apparently these things were hanging in a precarious balance that could easily be tipped.  Current things I’ve been unable to find or am having a hard time finding: baby formula, tampons and contact solution.  All completely random things that I don’t feel like I could predict, but all things that are essential.  Which means when you can’t find them, your life is interrupted while you spend all of your extra time and energy to find these things.  Extra time and energy that you didn’t really have in the first place. It’s soul sucking.

I drove to Watertown last weekend to pick up a container of formula from another mom who didn’t need it, and our local formula fairies found us a similar brand at Target recently, so I’m thinking we have at least another few weeks in stock.  I finally found some contact solution after many failed attempts, and I’m thankful for things like menstrual cups, so at least we’re getting through our day to day.  You never know what will be next though, and the mental list is exhausting.

We did hit a major milestone recently, though!

With E turning 5 in May, he was finally eligible for his first Covid vaccine.  Within a week of him turning 5, we had procured an appointment and pulled him out of daycare to get it.  He did great, and I let out a little breath. And then less then two weeks later we FINALLY got the news that they approved vaccines for the under 5 grouping.  Which means G and F would get theirs too. 

Of course that meant a bit more logistics to figure that out, since no one seems to be rushing to set up vaccine clinics to actually get these shots in arms.  I should stop being surprised that no one is in a rush to protect the children.  Three year olds can get vaccinated at pharmacies, but F is too young.  And for some reason both our health department and pediatrician’s office seem clueless about vaccinating babies. (Even though they manage to do that on a regular basis??). Add in a preference for a specific vaccine, and things were looking impossible.

I spent hours, days, looking for vaccine appointments. Looking for anyone who would vaccinate a baby. FINALLY the same hospital where I delivered all three of my babies came though. Yes it’s a long drive, but it was a long drive when I had to go for appointments when I was pregnant, too. Whatever, we’ve been waiting years for these vaccines, so what if we have to make 4 round trips to Lowell to get them?

 So we did it, both of the littles have their first shot on board! It feels so good to finally get to this point. This brings an end of an era though.  Tom’s been home because the kids have been unvaccinated, which means that once they are he’ll have to go back to the office.  (and while I have not been called back yet, it could definitely happen).  It’s going to be a large culture shock for us all. 

Some day maybe all of this will be behind us… but today is not that day.

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