Life With EFG

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Nick Names: Mr. G, Giddy Giddy
Height: 41 inches (60th percentile)
Weight: 37 pounds
Favorite Color: Yellow
Favorite Food: Bacon, Applesauce & Yogurt, Cotton Candy
Other Favorites: Baa baas/stuffed animals/Soft Things, Trucks, Whatever his brother has

Somehow here we are, and you’re four. You are growing and changing at an alarming rate lately. Suddenly you are writing letters and drawing people and your face looks older, and I’m just wondering where my little G went. You are still super sweet and loving. You’ll appear and offer a toy to F when she’s crying, or will tell me you love me when you see me having a hard day. You love to cuddle and wake up slow in the mornings, and almost always have something soft to rub on your face.

You also have big emotions and will not let someone silence you. If you have an opinion or something you need to say, we all need to listen. Sometimes life feels overwhelming for you, or you’ll tell me you had a sad day. Your heart is so big and you’re influenced by everything around you. When you’re near the people you love, you’ll be so silly and full of joy. The way you strut through life with your confidence is amazing.

Now that your older sibling is in Kindergarten, it’s been fun watching you become independent at daycare. You are the big kid there now, and I see how much other other kids follow you around. The other day when I arrived to pick you up, I didn’t find you running around the gym like everyone else was, though. You were over at the door to the toddler room, saying hi to your sister and keeping her company.

I’m increasingly impressed lately at your awareness of what you need when your day isn’t going well. You know how to ask for alone time or some space or just to get out of the house. Lately you’ve become our favorite helper on errands to random stores, because you just needed a change of scenery. When we were opening some early Christmas presents recently everyone was excited and jumping around and I looked over at you - you were lying on the couch and had tucked yourself in with a blanket, and were lying down while casually opening presents. It was amazing.

Your biggest personality trait lately is just how content with life you are. It doesn’t take much to make you happy. Just like when you were a baby, you’re just happy to be here, and we’re all so lucky for the joy you bring to our lives. Even if it comes with a bit of chaos.

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