Life With EFG

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If My Children Were a Joke

Knock knock
Who’s there?
Yellow who?
Knock knock
Who’s there?
Yellow who?
Knock knock
Who’s there?
Yellow who?
Knock knock
Who’s there?
Orange who?
Orange you glad I didn’t say YELLOW????

Today is E & G’s first day in their new classrooms for the 2020-2021 school year, although this is still daycare, so it doesn’t really mean anything. G is young enough that they could decide to move him again in a few months, and E wasn’t supposed to move last year but he did since his original room closed as the result of Covid, because too few kids came back.

But whatever, it’s something to celebrate and we’ll take what we can get this year. So first day of school photos it is. Who knows how long they’ll actually attend daycare this year, but it seems every day they do is beneficial. They’ve been learning so much. E is tracing the letters in his name, G is counting and almost singing the whole alphabet, and it’s such a good outlet for both of them, for two very different reasons.

For E, it gives him confidence. He’s less nervous about the world around him when he’s attending daycare, observing his friends, and learning new things. For G, it gives him energy and connection. He needs to be around people, running off energy and satisfying his hunger for learning. It’s not that they’re not happy when they’re home, it’s just that they get something from daycare that they don’t get from here.

And one positive to this whole work from home forever life, I was home to see them and take pictures before they left, as opposed to already being in the city before they woke up.

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